01 July 2023

Most Frequently Searched Mental Health Queries

Mental Health Phrases Most Frequently Searched for According to ChatGPT

Most Frequently Searched Mental Health Search Queries

Using ChatGPT as an Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbot to provide a most-common query listing to the request for the 'Most Frequently Searched Mental Health Search Queries' - logged in as Vernon Chalmers (for the Mental Health and Motivation website).

Please Note: The URL's (in orange) already existed on the Mental Health and Motivation website (2021 - 2023). The 10-point ChatGPT list below was provided without the URL's. The  Mental Health and Motivation website links were inserted (as part of the search phrases) after the recent ChatGPT Answer / Response request.  

ChatGPT Answer / Response:

"As an AI language model, I don't have access to real-time data or statistics. However, prior to my knowledge cut-off in September 2021, some commonly searched phrases related to mental health included: