01 June 2022

Mental Health and Perfectionism

Perfectionism and the Impact on Mental Health

Perfectionism, Mental Health and Motivation

Perfectionism is the unparalleled defense for emotionally abandoned children. The existential unattainability of perfection saves the child from giving up, unless or until, scant success forces him to retreat into the depression of a dissociative disorder, or launches him hyperactively into an incipient conduct disorder. Perfectionism also provides a sense of meaning and direction for the powerless and unsupported child. In the guise of self-control, striving to be perfect offers a simulacrum of a sense of control. Self-control is also safer to pursue because abandoning parents typically reserve their severest punishment for children who are vocal about their negligence.” ― Pete Walker

Perfectionism and Mental Health

Symptoms of Perfectionism

Mental Health and Perfectionism
"Mental health and perfectionism can be closely intertwined, as perfectionism can contribute to the development or exacerbation of various mental health issues. Perfectionism refers to the tendency to set extremely high standards for oneself and to strive for flawlessness in all areas of life. While it is normal to have certain standards and goals, perfectionism takes it to an extreme level, leading to unrealistic expectations and a constant fear of failure.

Here are a few ways in which perfectionism can impact mental health:

1. Anxiety and stress: Perfectionists often experience high levels of anxiety and stress due to the constant pressure they put on themselves to meet impossibly high standards. They may worry excessively about making mistakes, being judged by others, or not being able to live up to their own expectations.

2. Depression: The relentless pursuit of perfection can lead to feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, and disappointment when those impossibly high standards are not met. Over time, this can contribute to the development of depression and a negative self-image.

3. Self-esteem issues: Perfectionists tend to tie their self-worth to their achievements and external validation. When they don't meet their own lofty expectations, they may experience a significant blow to their self-esteem. This constant cycle of striving for perfection and feeling inadequate can be detrimental to overall mental well-being.

4. Procrastination and avoidance: Paradoxically, perfectionism can sometimes lead to procrastination and avoidance. The fear of not meeting high standards can be so overwhelming that individuals may avoid starting or completing tasks altogether. This avoidance can further perpetuate feelings of guilt, stress, and self-criticism.

5. Relationship difficulties: Perfectionism can impact relationships as well. Perfectionists may have unrealistic expectations of others, leading to frustration and disappointment when those expectations are not met. This can strain relationships and contribute to feelings of isolation and loneliness.

It's important to note that not all perfectionism is detrimental to mental health. There is a concept called "adaptive perfectionism," which involves having high standards while maintaining a healthy balance and realistic expectations. However, when perfectionism becomes excessive and interferes with daily functioning and well-being, it can be problematic.

If you or someone you know is struggling with perfectionism and its impact on mental health, it can be helpful to seek support from a mental health professional. Therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), can be effective in addressing perfectionism and its related challenges by promoting self-acceptance, realistic goal-setting, and healthier coping strategies." (Source: ChatGPT 2023)

Get To The Root Cause Of Your Perfectionism Article

How to Manage Your Perfectionism Article

How to Let Go of Perfectionism Psych Central

How Perfectionism Affects Your (Mental) Health Article

Little-Known Signs of Perfectionism Article

Perfectionism: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention Article

Perfectionists tend to have Mental Health Problems... Daily Sabah

Poor Mental Health and Perfectionism Article

Signs You May Be a Perfectionist Article

Signs You’re Too Much of a Perfectionist Article

The dangerous downsides of perfectionism Article

What Causes Perfectionism? Article

Perfectionism and Mental Health Book Mentions:

When Perfect Isn't Good Enough: Strategies for Coping with Perfectionism
Martin Antony PH.D. / Richard Swinson M.D. FRCPC FRCP

The Perils of Perfectionism - Video


🎓 Mental Health, Psychology and Relationship Resources

The No-Contact Rule After a Relationship Breakup

Going No-Contact After a Relationship Breakup

The No Contact Rule - Mental Health and Motivation

Letting go has never been easy, but holding on can be as difficult. Yet strength is measured not by holding on, but by letting go.” – Len Santos

Benefits of No Contact

What is the No-Contact Rule?

Going No Contact : After a Relationship Breakup 

Going No Contact : Fast-Tracking Detachment

No-Contact Rule After a Relationship Breakup
The no-contact rule is a strategy that individuals often employ after a relationship breakup. It involves cutting off all communication and contact with an ex-partner for a specific period, typically ranging from a few weeks to several months. The purpose of implementing the no-contact rule is to create space and facilitate emotional healing and personal growth. Here are some key points to understand about the no-contact rule:

1. Emotional healing: Breaking up can be emotionally challenging, and the no-contact rule aims to provide time and space for individuals to heal and process their emotions without the constant reminders and interactions with their ex-partner.

2. Clarity and perspective: Implementing the no-contact rule allows individuals to gain clarity and perspective on the relationship and the reasons for the breakup. It helps in reducing the emotional intensity and provides an opportunity to assess the relationship more objectively.

3. Breaking patterns: By initiating the no-contact rule, individuals can break patterns of dependency, neediness, or unhealthy dynamics that might have existed in the relationship. It encourages individuals to focus on their own well-being and establish a sense of independence.

4. Self-reflection and personal growth: The no-contact period provides an opportunity for self-reflection and personal growth. It allows individuals to rediscover themselves, explore their own interests and goals, and focus on self-improvement without the distractions of the past relationship.

5. Establishing boundaries: Implementing the no-contact rule helps in setting clear boundaries with the ex-partner. It communicates the need for space and respect for each other's emotional well-being.

6. Prevention of further hurt: Continuing contact immediately after a breakup can often prolong the pain and hurt. The no-contact rule helps in minimizing the chances of reopening emotional wounds and allows individuals to move forward with their lives.

It's important to note that the duration of the no-contact period may vary from person to person and depends on the specific circumstances of the breakup. Additionally, there may be situations where some level of contact is necessary, such as if there are shared responsibilities or children involved. In such cases, it's advisable to establish clear boundaries and limit communication to what is essential.

While the no-contact rule can be beneficial for many individuals after a breakup, it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. It's important to consider one's own emotional needs and consult with trusted friends, family, or professionals to determine the best course of action for moving forward after a breakup. (Source: ChatGPT 2023)

Does No Contact Work? Signs The No Contact Rule Is Working Article

How to Master the 'No-Contact Rule' — the Ultimate Breakup Tool Article

Powerful Benefits of the No-Contact Rule After a Breakup Article

The No-Contact Rule Explained Article

The No-Contact Rule (The Definitive Guide) Article

The “No-Contact” Rule Is the *Only* Way to Get Over a Breakup Article

Mistakes to Avoid when going No Contact with a Narcissist Article

Reasons Why the No-Contact Rule Always Works Article

The No-Contact Rule: The Most Effective Way To Move On Article

When I Go No Contact, It’s Final Article

No Contact Book Mentions

The No Contact Rule
Natalie Lue

Histrionic Personality Disorder Resources

Awareness and Symptoms of  Histrionic Personality Disorder

Histrionic Personality Disorder: Mental Health and Motivation

"Life has everything in it. But you only see what your perception allow you to see."  –  Bruce H. Lipton

Histrionic Personality Disorder Causes

Histrionic Personality Disorder Symptoms

Histrionic Personality Disorder Treatment

What is Histrionic Personality Disorder?

Histrionic Personality Disorder WebMD

Histrionic Disorder Support Groups Mental Health and Motivation

Historical Roots of Histrionic Personality Disorder Article

Histrionic Personality Disorder : An Overview Article

Histrionic Personality Disorder : Symptoms, Causes & Treatment Article

Histrionic Personality Disorder : What Is It, Diagnosis, and More Article

What Is Histrionic Personality Disorder? Bridges to Recovery

Histrionic Personality Disorder: Causes, Signs, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment - Video


Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

Awareness and Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Mental Health and Motivation

"People who live with OCD drag a mental sea anchor around. Obsession is a brake, a source of drag, not a badge of creativity, a mark of genius or an inconvenient side effect of some greater function." - David Adam

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Symptoms of OCD

What is OCD?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) - Symptoms and Causes Mayo Clinic

Living with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) BMC

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) WebMD

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Symptoms & Treatment Cleveland Clinic

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Support Groups Mental Health and Motivation

Overview - Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) NHS

Trauma-Related Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder: A Review NIH

What Are the Treatments for OCD? WebMD

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Book Mentions:

Beyond Reasonable Doubt: Reasoning Processes In Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder And Related Disorders Kieron O'Connor / Frederick Aardema / Marie-Claude Pélissier

Breaking Free from OCD : Overcoming Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with CBT
Paul Salkovskis / Fiona Challacombe / Victoria Bream Oldfield

Understanding OCD: Skills to Control the Conscience and Outsmart Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Leslie Shapiro

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) - Causes, Symptoms and Pathology


Men Abused by Women PDF Booklet Download

Men Abused by Women : Behaviour and Clinical Information

Men Abused by Women PDF Booklet Download : Mental Health and Motivation
Men Abused by Women PDF Booklet Download
You can recognize survivors of abuse by their courage. When silence is so very inviting, they step forward and share their truth so others know they aren’t alone.” ― Jeanne McElvaney

Men Abused by Women in Intimate Relationships Booklet PDF Download

Men Abused by Women in Intimate Relationships


  • So what is abuse?
  • Changing or leaving an abusive relationship: It is not that simple
  • An abusive relationship harms children now and in their future
  • How can I tell if my relationship is healthy, unhealthy or abusive
  • If you are in an abusive relationship
  • If you are concerned of a man you know
  • Get help

Domestic Violence: Men Abused by Women in Intimate Relationships PDF Booklet
Domestic Violence: Men Abused by Women in Intimate Relationships PDF Booklet

Source / Referencewww.humanservices.alberta.ca/documents/PFVB1100-men-abused-by-women-booklet.pdf

Abuse, Domestic Violence and Trauma Resources

🎓 Mental Health, Psychology and Relationship Resources

Nervous Breakdown Resources

Nervous Breakdown Symptoms and Recovery

Nervous Breakdown Resources: Mental Health and Motivation

"Psychological breakdowns are actually breakthroughs to enlightenment." - R. D. Laing

Nervous / Mental Breakdown

Catch Them Before They Fall: The Psychoanalysis of Breakdown Christopher Bollas

How Everyone became Depressed : The Rise and Fall of the Nervous Breakdown 
Edward Shorter

How Long does a Nervous Breakdown Last? Bridges to Recovery

Nervous Breakdown vs. Acute Mental Disorder Sutter Health

Nervous breakdown: What does it mean? Mayo Clinic

Rebuilding After Mental Breakdown
Michael B Roberts  (P.H.D. Thesis Submission)
Signs of a Nervous Breakdown WebMD

The Healing Connection : The Story of a Physician's Search for the Link between Faith and Health Harold G. Koenig M.D.

The Madness of Our Lives: Experiences of Mental Breakdown And Recovery
Penny Gray

Types of Nervous Breakdowns Bridges to Recovery

What are the Signs of a Nervous Breakdown? Delray Center for Healing

What is a Nervous Breakdown? Healthline

What Is a Nervous Breakdown? Symptoms, Causes, Treatments Health

Why Emotional Abuse Can Cause a Nervous Breakdown and How You Can Recover
Bridges to Recovery

Dissociative Identity Personality Disorder

Awareness and Symptoms of Dissociative Identity Personality Disorder

Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID): Mental Health and Motivation
Dissociation is the common response of children to repetitive, overwhelming trauma and holds the untenable knowledge out of awareness. The losses and the emotions engendered by the assaults on soul and body cannot, however be held indefinitely. In the absence of effective restorative experiences, the reactions to trauma will find expression. As the child gets older, he will turn the rage in upon himself or act it out on others, else it all will turn into madness.”― Judith Spencer

What is Dissociative Identity Disorder? (DID)

Symptoms of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)

Dissociative Disorders : Diagnosis and Treatment Mayo Clinic

Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder) Psychology Today
  • Symptoms
  • Causes
  • Treatment

Dissociative Identity Disorder: Treatment and Recovery PsychCentral

Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) Support Groups Mental Health and Motivation

Dissociative Identity Disorder: Symptoms and Causes MedicineNet

Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)- An Overview Science Direct

Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder) WebMD

What Are Dissociative Disorders (DID)? American Psychiatric Association

What is Jekyll and Hyde Syndrome? Mental Health and Motivation

What It’s Like to Have Multiple Personalities The Cut

What treatments are there for dissociative disorders? Mind

Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) Book Mentions:

Attachment, Trauma and Multiplicity: Working with Dissociative Identity Disorder
Valerie Sinason

Understanding and Treating Dissociative Identity Disorder (or Multiple Identity Disorder)
Jo L. Ringrose

Dissociative Disorders : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and Pathology - Video

🎓 Mental Health, Psychology and Relationship Resources

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