31 July 2023

Mental Health and Information Technology Addiction

Information Technology Addiction Awareness, Research and Resources

Information Technology Addiction

People who smile while they are alone used to be called insane, until we invented smartphones and social media.” ― Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“It is okay to own a technology, what is not okay is to be owned by technology.”― Abhijit Naskar

Internet Addition

Information Technology Addiction Research

Information Technology Addiction
"Mental health and information technology addiction are two interconnected topics that have gained increasing attention in recent years. The rapid advancement and widespread use of technology have led to concerns about its impact on mental well-being and the potential for addiction.

Mental Health and Technology:

1. Social media and self-esteem: Social media platforms can contribute to feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, and depression due to the constant exposure to carefully curated images and the pressure to compare oneself to others.

2. Cyberbullying: Online harassment and cyberbullying can have severe psychological consequences, leading to anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts in some cases.

3. Fear of missing out (FOMO): Constant connectivity and the fear of missing out on social events or important updates can lead to anxiety and stress.

4. Sleep disturbances: The use of electronic devices before bed can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to fatigue, mood swings, and decreased cognitive function.

5. Online addiction: Spending excessive amounts of time online or engaging in compulsive internet use can interfere with daily functioning and lead to social isolation, neglect of responsibilities, and feelings of distress when offline.

Technology Addiction:

1. Gaming addiction: Excessive gaming, particularly in online multiplayer games, can lead to addictive behaviors, neglect of personal relationships, and difficulties with academic or professional pursuits.

2. Internet addiction: An unhealthy preoccupation with internet use, including social media, online shopping, and browsing, can result in neglecting other important areas of life, such as work, education, and personal relationships.

3. Smartphone addiction: The constant need to check notifications, use social media apps, or play games on smartphones can lead to compulsive behaviors, decreased productivity, and social withdrawal.

4. Information overload: The overwhelming amount of information available online can lead to a constant need for stimulation, making it difficult to focus, retain information, and make decisions.

Addressing Mental Health and Technology Addiction:

1. Awareness and education: Promote awareness about the potential negative impact of excessive technology use on mental health. Encourage individuals to learn about healthy technology habits and identify warning signs of addiction.

2. Digital well-being tools: Technology companies can develop features that promote healthier usage, such as screen time limits, notification management, and activity tracking.

3. Balancing offline activities: Encourage individuals to engage in offline activities like exercise, hobbies, socializing, and spending time in nature to promote well-being and reduce excessive screen time.

4. Setting boundaries: Establishing personal boundaries and creating technology-free zones or time periods can help reduce dependency and promote a healthier relationship with technology.

5. Seeking professional help: For individuals experiencing severe addiction or mental health issues related to technology, it is important to seek professional help from therapists, counselors, or support groups specializing in addiction or mental health treatment.

Remember that this information is not a substitute for professional advice. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues or addiction, it is important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional." (Source: ChatGPT 2023)

A study of Internet Addiction and its effects on Mental Health: A study based on Iranian University Students NIH

Addiction to Modern Technology: what the science says free collection of articles highlights the latest trends in behavioral addiction ScienceDirect

Causes and Consequences of technology addiction: A review of information systems and information technology studies ReseachGate

Digital Addiction: How Technology Keeps us Hooked The Conversation

Directing Technology Addiction Research in Information Systems: Part I. Understanding Behavioral Addictions Semantic Scholar

Examining common information technology addictions and their relationships with non-technology-related addictions ScienceDirect

'Digital Addiction Leads To Mental Health Disorder': Know Why Making Sensible Use Of Technology A Priority The Indian Logical

How Is Internet Addiction Affecting Your Mental Health? ParmEasy

Impact of internet addiction on Mental Health among undergraduates in Nigeria International Journal of Surgery: Global Health

Impact of Internet Literacy, Internet Addiction Symptoms, and Internet Activities on Academic Performance Sage Journals

Information Technology and Addiction science: promises and challenges BMC

Internet Addiction: Symptoms, Causes and Effects The Diamond Rehab Thailand

Integrating Technology Addiction and Use: An Empirical Investigation of Online Auction Users JSTOR

Internet Addiction: A Brief Summary of Research and Practice NIH

Impact of Internet Literacy, Internet Addiction Symptoms, and Internet Activities on Academic Performance Sage Journals

Is Internet Addiction Real? Child Mind Institute

Mental Health and Internet Addiction Resources Mental Health and Motivation

Mental Health Impacts of Information and Communication Technology Usage in South Africa Tech Science Press

Protecting Teens from Addiction to Technology Newport Academy

Relationships and associations between video game and Internet addictions ACM Digital Library

Tech Addiction is real. We Psychologists need to take it seriously. The Washington Post

Technology Addiction: How Social Network Sites Impact our Lives Informing Science Institute

Technology Addiction in Adolescents Frontiers in Technology Frontiers in Technology

Technology Addiction among Treatment Seekers for Psychological Problems: Implication for Screening in Mental Health Setting NIH

Technology Addiction - Teen & Young Adult Sandstone Care

The 6 Most Common Types of Technology Addiction Family Addiction Specialist

Understanding the connection: technology, addictions, and mental health University of Sydney

What Is Internet and Technology Addiction? Internet and Technology Addicts Anonymous

What Is Technology Addiction? embark

Are You Addicted to the Internet? - Video

01 July 2023

Mental Health and Artificial Intelligence

 Artificial Intelligence Awareness, Information, Research and Resources

Mental Health and Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is not just learning patterns from data, but understanding human emotions and its evolution from its depth and not just fulfilling the surface level human requirements, but sensitivity towards human pain, happiness, mistakes, sufferings and well-being of the society are the parts of the evolving new AI systems.” ― Amit Ray

Mental Health and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Application

Mental Health and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research

Mental Health and Artificial Intelligence
"Mental health and artificial intelligence (AI) are two distinct but interconnected fields that have the potential to greatly impact each other. Here are some key points regarding their relationship:
  1. Mental health assessment and diagnosis: AI can be utilized to assist in the assessment and diagnosis of mental health conditions. Machine learning algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data, such as patient self-reports, behavioral patterns, and physiological measurements, to identify patterns and indicators of mental health disorders. This can potentially improve the accuracy and efficiency of diagnosis.

  2. Mental health monitoring and early intervention: AI-powered tools can continuously monitor individuals for signs of mental distress or changes in behavior. For example, natural language processing algorithms can analyze text or speech data to detect emotional states. Such monitoring can help identify early warning signs and prompt timely intervention, allowing individuals to receive support before their conditions worsen.

  3. Therapeutic applications: AI can be used to develop therapeutic interventions and tools. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies, combined with AI algorithms, can create immersive and interactive environments for exposure therapy, cognitive training, and stress reduction. AI chatbots or virtual assistants can provide mental health support, guidance, and resources, offering a nonjudgmental and readily accessible avenue for individuals to seek help.

  4. Personalized treatment: AI algorithms can help personalize mental health treatment plans based on an individual's specific needs and characteristics. By analyzing data from various sources, such as genetic profiles, brain imaging, treatment responses, and lifestyle factors, AI can assist in tailoring interventions and predicting the effectiveness of different treatment options for each individual.

  5. Ethical considerations: The use of AI in mental health raises ethical considerations. Ensuring privacy, data security, and informed consent are crucial. It is important to strike a balance between the potential benefits of AI and protecting individual rights and autonomy. Additionally, addressing biases within AI algorithms is crucial to prevent perpetuating existing disparities and inequalities in mental health care.

  6. Supplementing human expertise: AI should be seen as a tool to augment human expertise rather than replace mental health professionals. It can provide support by processing large amounts of data, detecting patterns, and generating insights. However, the human element, including empathy, intuition, and contextual understanding, remains essential in the field of mental health.
It is worth noting that while AI holds promise, there are limitations and challenges. The complexity and subjectivity of mental health conditions, the need for human connection and empathy, and the potential for algorithmic biases require careful consideration and ongoing research to ensure responsible and effective integration of AI into mental health care." (Source: ChatGPT 2023)

AI and Mental Health: Can Artificial Intelligence Help Improve Well-being? Medium

AI Anxiety and Mental Health Mental Health and Motivation

AI in Market Research: Hope or Anxiety? Kadence

AI in Mental Health - Examples, Benefits & Trends itrex

AI Behavioral Health Project Stanford Medicine Stanford Partnership in AI-Assisted Care

Accelerating the impact of Artificial Intelligence in Mental Healthcare through implementation science Sage Journals

Applications of Artificial Intelligence in the Treatment of Behavioral and Mental Health Conditions PDF Download Helwan University

Application of Artificial Intelligence on Psychological Interventions and Diagnosis: An Overview Frontiers in Psychiatry

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in mobile apps for Mental Health: A Scoping Review

Artificial Intelligence and Mental Health Issues PDF Download Journal of Public Health Sciences (JPHS)

Application of Artificial Intelligence in Mental Health Springer Link

Artificial Intelligence Could Be The Future of Mental Illness Detection Verywell Mind

Artificial Intelligence for Mental Disorder Prevention and Diagnosis: Technologies and Challenges Frontiers in Psychiatry

Artificial Intelligence for Mental Health and Mental Illnesses: An Overview NIH

Artificial Intelligence in Behavioral and Mental Health Care. American Phycological Association

Artificial Intelligence in Mental Health research: new WHO study on applications and challenges World Health Organisation

Artificial Intelligence Shows Promise in Detection of Anxiety Disorders, Depression Pharmacy Times

Assessing the role of Artificial Intelligence in the Mental Healthcare of teachers and students Springer Link

Can Artificial Intelligence help prevent Mental Illness? Painted Brain

ChatGPT Research and Resources Mental Health and Motivation

Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Mental Health through Transparency and Interpretability for Understandability NPJ Digital Medicine

Evaluating Artificial Intelligence Responses to Public Health Questions JAMA Network Open

From Promise to Practice: Towards the realisation of AI-informed Mental Health Care ScienceDirect

Growth of AI in Mental Health raises fears of its ability to run wild AXIOS

Here’s how A.I.-backed tools can help with Worker Stress and Mental Health CNBC

How Americans View Use of AI in Health Care Pew Research Center

How can AI Improve Mental Health for 100 Million People? Al For Good

How AI Can Help Mental Health Swiss Cognitive

Methodological and Quality Flaws in the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Mental Health Research: Systematic Review JMIR Publications

Researchers use AI to successfully detect Signs of Anxiety Simon Frazer University

The Future of AI in Mental Health? - According to ChatGPT Mental Health and Motivation

The Importance of resource awareness in Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare ResearchGate

The Performance of Artificial Intelligence-driven technologies in diagnosing Mental Disorders: An Umbrella Review NPJ Digital Medicine

Therapy by chatbot? The promise and challenges in using AI for Mental Health NPR

Ways Artificial Intelligence is improving Mental Health Therapy World Economic Forum

What is Mental Health? - According to ChatGPT Mental Health and Motivation

What is Motivation? - According to ChatGPT Mental Health and Motivation

What Role Could Artificial Intelligence Play in Mental Healthcare? Health IT Analytics

We keep trying to make AI therapists. It’s not working The Washington Post

The Impact of AI on Mental Health (& How it May Help You!) - Video

 πŸŽ“ Mental Health, Psychology and Relationship Resources

When is it time to stop seeing my counsellor?

Article by: Francois Prinsloo, Accredited MLNP ™ Life Coach & Trauma Counsellor

Reasons for Terminating Counselling

When is it time to stop seeing my counsellor?

When is it time to stop seeing my counsellor?

Seeing a counsellor can be an incredibly helpful and transformative experience, but there may come a time when you feel that it is time to move on. Just like there are many reasons people start counselling, there are many reasons why some people consider stopping it as well. Knowing when to stop seeing your counsellor can be a difficult decision, and it is important to consider several factors before making a final decision. My experience is that clients sometimes stop seeing me too early, but I always respect the client’s position in this regard. I also know that financial  constraints sometimes cause a client to stop the counselling sessions.

There are two main reasons for termination: (1) Counsellor-Initiated termination and (2) Client-Initiated termination:

1. Counsellor-initiated termination
  • Counsellor-Initiated Termination can occur when the counsellor sees that
    • the client has made progress toward achieving goals,
    • there is a reduction in, or elimination, of trauma or symptoms,
    • the client has gained enough insight to deal with future challenges on his/her own

Once the counsellor has determined that there is little left to continue working on in therapy, it is time to introduce the reality of termination to the client.
  • Another reason for counsellor-initiated termination is an ethical one. If you determine as a counsellor “an inability to provide professional service” to your client, for whatever reason, you have the ethical duty to end the sessions. If this is the case, you may make appropriate referrals as alternatives for counselling sessions.

2. Client-initiated termination

This occurs when the client initiates termination. Please not that this article does not address termination because of incompetent or unprofessional conduct of the counsellor.

One of the most important factors to consider when deciding whether to stop seeing your counsellor is whether you feel that you have achieved your goals. If you initially sought counselling to address a specific issue or set of issues, and you feel that you have made significant progress in addressing those issues, then it may be time to move on. However, if you feel that there is still work to be done or that you have not yet achieved your desired outcomes, then it may be beneficial to continue seeing your counsellor.

Another important factor to consider is whether you have built good rapport and a good working relationship with your counsellor. A strong therapeutic relationship is essential for effective counselling, and if you feel that you do not have a good rapport with your counsellor or that you are not comfortable sharing your thoughts and feelings with them, then it may be time to find a new counsellor.

If you feel that your counsellor is not meeting your needs or that you are not making progress despite your best efforts, then it may also be time to seek out a different  type of counselling or a different counsellor who can better meet your needs.

Here are a few signs that it might be time to break up with your Counsellor.
  1. Your sessions aren't making you feel better overall. ...
  2. You feel as though you are not growing. ... You've reached a plateau
  3. You don't trust your therapist anymore.
  4.  It's almost impossible to see your counsellor regularly
  5. You accomplished the goals that you set when you began. ...
  6. You don't have anything to talk about. ...
  7. Your needs have changed throughout the course of the counselling.
  8. Another sign it might be time to end therapy is if you feel the patient-therapist connection is no longer there

Ultimately, the decision to stop seeing your counsellor is a personal one that should be based on your individual needs and circumstances. It is important to be honest with yourself and your counsellor about your feelings and to communicate openly about your needs and goals. You are the best judge to know if you have experienced enough healing to move on provided that you are brutally honest with yourself.

Once you leave therapy, that does not mean you can't come back. "While we would like you to go forth in the world without us, it is completely acceptable to check in again should a crisis occur. It is also common, in my experience, that a client will stop seeing me for a couple of months, even a year or two, and then decide to come back for more counselling."

Discussing Termination with Your Counsellor
If you are wondering whether you should continue or not, the best thing to do is to talk to your counsellor directly.

If you're ready to raise the conversation with your counsellor, it can be as simple as saying "I've learned a lot from our time together, and I'd like to talk about possibly stopping our sessions."

However, if there's something wrong with the therapy itself - the sessions or the methods - you can give them constructive criticism and be honest about why i'ts not working to see if they can offer any changes before ending the relationship entirely.

Maintaining Your Progress After You Leave Therapy

Just because you are not seeing your therapist anymore does not mean all of your hard-earned progress has gone away. There will always be some tips and tools that you have learned that can help you to continue with the coping strategies and techniques that you have learned.

© Francois Prinsloo for Mental Health and Motivation (Counsellor / Life Coaching Services)

About the author:
Francois Prinsloo is a registered MLNP coach and trauma counsellor. For more information you can visit his website at www.coachprinsloo.net

This article is not intended to take the place of medical advice from your personal physician.

Published with permission from Francois Prinsloo, Accredited MLNP Life Coach & Trauma Counsellor

Substance Abuse Disorder

 Substance Abuse Disorder Awareness Research and Resources

Substance Abuse Disorder

“Addiction is the pleasure island of our lives. Only a long swim or rescue will help us.” ― Trevor Carss

Substance Abuse Disorder Research

Substance Abuse Disorder
Substance abuse disorder, also known as substance use disorder (SUD), is a complex condition characterized by the excessive and compulsive use of substances despite negative consequences. It is considered a chronic brain disease that affects a person's behavior, cognitive function, and physical health.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), published by the American Psychiatric Association, provides criteria for diagnosing substance use disorders. The severity of the disorder is determined by the number of criteria met, ranging from mild to moderate to severe.

Some common substances associated with substance abuse disorder include alcohol, tobacco, prescription drugs (such as opioids, benzodiazepines, and stimulants), and illicit drugs (such as cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and cannabis). The misuse or overuse of these substances can lead to a range of physical, psychological, and social problems.

Signs and symptoms of substance abuse disorder can vary depending on the substance involved, but they may include:
  • Cravings or strong urges to use the substance
  • Difficulty controlling or reducing substance use
  • Developing tolerance and needing increasing amounts of the substance to achieve the desired effect
  • Withdrawal symptoms when substance use is discontinued or reduced
  • Neglecting responsibilities at work, school, or home due to substance use
  • Persistent use of the substance despite knowing the harmful effects
  • Social or interpersonal problems related to substance use
  • Spending a significant amount of time obtaining, using, or recovering from substance use
  • Giving up previously enjoyed activities or hobbies in favor of substance use

Substance abuse disorder can have severe consequences for individuals and society as a whole. It can lead to physical health problems, mental health disorders (such as depression, anxiety, and psychosis), relationship difficulties, legal problems, financial instability, and an increased risk of accidents and injuries.

Treatment for substance abuse disorder typically involves a combination of behavioral therapies, medication-assisted treatment (if applicable), and support groups. Detoxification may be necessary to manage withdrawal symptoms, followed by ongoing therapy and support to address the underlying causes and triggers of substance abuse.

If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, it is important to seek help from a healthcare professional or a local addiction treatment center. Recovery is possible with the right support, treatment, and commitment to making positive changes. (Source: ChatGPT 2023)

A Qualitative Study exploring how young people perceive and experience Substance Use Services in British Columbia, Canada BMC

A Study of Psychological Pain in Substance Use Disorder and its Relationship to Treatment Outcome Plos One

A Systematic Review of Substance Use and Substance Use Disorder Research in Kenya PLOS

Addiction & Substance Abuse Research The Friedman Brian Institute

Addiction Research Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation

Center for Adolescent Substance Abuse Research (CASAR) University of Minnesota

Defining Substance Abuse and Substance Use Disorders Rural Health Information Hub

Evidence-based Treatment for Substance Use Disorders in Community Mental Health Centers: the ACCESS Program Springer Link

High-Risk Substance Use Among Youth Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

How Social Relationships Influence Substance Use Disorder Recovery: A Collaborative Narrative Study Sage Journals

How Trauma and Substance Use Disorder Are Related GoodRx Health

IU Researcher creates Virtual Reality Experiences to aid Substance Use Disorder Recovery Indiana University

Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment ScienceDirect

New Research and Insights into Substance Use Disorder Johns Hopkins Medicine

Overview of Substance Use MSD Manual

PhD Student Guide: Substance Use Disorder Awareness & Support phds.me

Research on Women with Substance Use Disorders: Reviewing Progress and Developing a Research and Implementation Roadmap ScienceDirect

SUD Training Resources County of Los Angeles Public Health

Study looks at Long-Term severe Substance Use Disorder University of Michigan

Substance Use, Abuse, and Addiction American Psychological Association

Substance Use Disorder (SUD): Symptoms & Treatment Cleveland Clinic

Substance Use Disorders and Addiction: Mechanisms, Trends, and Treatment Implications The American Journal Of Psychiatry

Substance Abuse Research Report World Health Organization Ghana

Substance Use and Addiction Medicine JAMA Network

Substance Use and Co-Occurring Mental Disorders NIH

The Impact of Substance Use Disorders on Families and Children: From Theory to Practice NIH

What Is a Substance Use Disorder? American Psychiatric Association

“Why Addiction is a “Disease”, and Why It’s Important” PDF Download SAMHSA   

Substance Use Disorder (SUD) - Video

Healing after Relationship Abuse

 Healing after Relationship Abuse: Awareness, Research and Resources 

Healing after Relationship Abuse

Recalling painful events can be hard, but in order to move forward you must reflect on the hurt, accept that it happened, make no excuses for the behavior or the damage caused, forgive yourself and others involved, break the cycle, stay in faith and find a way to rebuild your broken spirit.” ― Germany Kent

Healing after Relationship Abuse Research

Healing after Relationship Abuse
"Recovering from such an ordeal can be a challenging and lengthy process, but with time, support, and self-care, healing is possible. Here are some steps you can take to support your healing journey:

1. Acknowledge your experience: Recognize that you've been through a traumatic experience. Understand that it is not your fault and that you deserve to be treated with respect and kindness.

2. Seek support: Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or a support group who can provide emotional support and understanding. Consider joining a support group specifically for survivors of relationship abuse, as connecting with others who have had similar experiences can be empowering.

3. Safety planning: If you are still in an abusive relationship or feel that your safety is at risk, develop a safety plan. This may involve contacting local authorities, reaching out to a helpline, or seeking assistance from a domestic violence shelter.

4. Professional help: Consider seeking therapy or counseling with a trained professional who specializes in trauma and relationship abuse. Therapy can help you process your emotions, regain self-esteem, and develop healthy coping strategies.

5. Self-care: Prioritize self-care activities that promote healing and well-being. This can include engaging in activities you enjoy, practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and maintaining a healthy diet.

6. Set boundaries: Learn to establish and enforce personal boundaries. Recognize your worth and learn to say "no" when something feels uncomfortable or unsafe. Surround yourself with people who respect and support your boundaries.

7. Take time to grieve: Healing involves acknowledging and processing your emotions. Allow yourself to grieve the loss of the relationship, even if it was unhealthy. It's normal to experience a range of emotions, including anger, sadness, confusion, and even relief.

8. Focus on personal growth: Use this experience as an opportunity for personal growth and self-reflection. Explore your values, interests, and goals. Engage in activities that help you rebuild your self-esteem and rediscover your identity.

9. Practice self-compassion: Be gentle and kind to yourself during the healing process. Challenge self-blame and negative self-talk by replacing them with affirmations and positive thoughts. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small.

10. Stay safe online: If you have concerns about your safety or privacy, consider taking precautions online. Update your passwords, block or restrict access to your social media profiles, and be cautious about sharing personal information.

Remember, healing is a gradual process, and it's important to be patient with yourself. If you ever feel overwhelmed or in immediate danger, reach out to emergency services or a helpline in your country." (Source: ChatGPT 2023)

Emotionally Abusive Relationships and Healing: In My Own Words Planned Parenthood

Domestic Abuse, Recovering Together (DART™) NSPCC Learning

Five Ways to Heal Your Self-Esteem After Leaving an Abusive Relationship CPTSD Foundation

Healing from Abusive Relationships + How to Identify Red Flags in a Relationship & How to Help Someone in an Abusive Relationship Dr Leaf

Healing from Domestic Abuse: The Impact of Positive Psychology ResearchGate

Healing from Domestic Violence and Abuse PDF Download Safe Ireland

Healing the Wounds of Emotional Abuse Focus on yhe Family

How to Heal after an Abusive Relationship Al Points North

How To Heal After An Abusive Relationship My CWA

How to Heal After an Abusive Relationship Psych Central

How to Heal from Emotional Abuse Talk Space

How to Heal from Emotional Abuse in Relationships: Therapist Approved Strategies MindWell Psychology

How to Recognize and Heal from Relationship PTSD Healthline

Lessons Learned from an Abusive Relationship Mental Health and Motivation

Life After Abuse - Healing Through the Arts National Domestic Violence Hotline

Long-Term Recovery from Intimate Partner Violence: Definitions by Australian Women Springer Link

Post-Abuse Boundary Renegotiation: Healing and Reclaiming Self After Intimate Partner Violence ProQuest

Powerful Healing Benefits of Being Single After Abuse Psych Central 

Recognizing the Effects of Abuse-Related Trauma camh

Recovery: Resilience and Growth in the Aftermath of Domestic Violence PDF Download Sage Publications

Recovering from Domestic Abuse: Becoming the Person God Designed You to Be Family Life

Relationship Abuse Recovery Article Index Mental Health and Motivation

Seven Stages of Healing after an Abusive Relationship Live Bold and Bloom

Steps Toward Recovery From a Toxic Relationship Psychology Today

The Impact of Psychological Abuse on a Female’s Engagement in Subsequent Relationships and How They Heal from the Abuse PDF Download National Louis University

The Role of Faith / Spirituality in Healing from Abuse VAWnet

What is Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

 Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) Awareness, Research and Resources

Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Physical symptoms such as muscle tension, back problems, stomach distress, constipation, diarrhea, headaches, obesity or maybe even hypertension can be caused by suppressing your emotions. Suppressed anger may also cause you to overreact to people and situations or to act inappropriately. Unexpressed anger can cause you to become irritable, irrational, and prone to emotional outbursts and episodes of depression.” ― Beverly Engel

Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Research

What is Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?
"Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) is a psychological condition that can develop in individuals who have experienced prolonged and repeated trauma, typically in the context of interpersonal relationships. While it shares some similarities with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), C-PTSD is characterized by a broader range of symptoms and tends to be more chronic in nature.

C-PTSD often arises from traumatic experiences that occur in situations where the person feels trapped, helpless, or lacks a support system. These experiences may include ongoing physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, neglect, captivity, or being subjected to coercive control. Individuals who have endured these types of traumas may develop a distorted self-image, a pervasive sense of shame or guilt, and difficulties in regulating their emotions.

The symptoms of C-PTSD can be grouped into four main clusters:

1. Emotional dysregulation: This includes symptoms such as intense anger, sadness, or irritability, difficulty managing or expressing emotions, emotional numbness, and feeling constantly on edge or hypervigilant.

2. Negative self-concept: Individuals with C-PTSD may have a persistent sense of worthlessness, shame, or guilt. They may also experience feelings of emptiness, a distorted self-image, or a belief that they are fundamentally flawed.

3. Interpersonal difficulties: People with C-PTSD may struggle with forming and maintaining healthy relationships. They may have trust issues, difficulty setting boundaries, problems with intimacy, and a tendency to enter abusive or unhealthy relationships.

4. Distorted perception of the perpetrator: This cluster includes symptoms such as preoccupation with the abuser, feelings of revenge or wanting to confront the abuser, and distorted beliefs about the abuser's power and influence.

Other symptoms commonly associated with C-PTSD include dissociation (feeling disconnected from oneself or the world), difficulties with attention and concentration, sleep disturbances, somatic symptoms, and a heightened sensitivity to potential threats.

Treatment for C-PTSD often involves a combination of therapies, such as trauma-focused therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). The goal is to help individuals process and integrate their traumatic experiences, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and improve overall functioning and well-being. Medication may also be prescribed to manage specific symptoms, such as depression, anxiety, or sleep disturbances.

It's important to note that I am an AI language model, and while I strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, it's always recommended to consult with a qualified mental health professional or therapist for a comprehensive evaluation and diagnosis of any mental health condition." (Source: ChatGPT 2023)

CPTSD: A New Diagnosis Category in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Neuroscience News

CPTSD Research CPTSD Foundation

CPTSD (Complex PTSD): What It Is, Symptoms & Treatment Cleveland Clinic

Clinical Trials on Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Good Clinical Practice Network

Complex PTSD: Assessment and Treatment Taylor & Francis Online

Complex PTSD: Research Directions for Nosology/Assessment, Treatment, and Public Health NIH

Complex PTSD: what is the clinical utility of the diagnosis? NIH

Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: The need to consolidate a distinct Clinical Syndrome or to reevaluate features of Psychiatric Disorders following Interpersonal Trauma? NIH

Complex Trauma and Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder American Psychological Association

Contributing Factors in the Development of Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Among Survivors of Interpersonal Violence Semantic Scholar

Cultural concepts of distress and complex PTSD: Future directions for Research and Treatment ScienceDirect 

Exploring Complex PTSD in patients visiting a psychiatric outpatient clinic in Kathmandu, Nepal ScienceDirect

Exploring the links between various traumatic experiences and ICD-11 PTSD and Complex PTSD: A Cross-Sectional Study Frontiers in Psychology

How C-PTSD differs from PTSD Verywell Health

Mental Health problems in Complex Trauma: the most Promising Therapies are identified in a New Review NIHR / National Institute for Health and Care Research

Prevalence of Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in survivors of human trafficking and modern slavery: A Systematic Review Elsevier

Progress and Limitations in the Treatment of Complex PTSD and Developmental Trauma Disorder Springer Link

Symptoms of Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) Psychology Today

The New Research about Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder CTPS Foundation

The Role and Clinical Correlates of Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in People With Psychosis Frontiers in Psychology

What Are the 17 Symptoms of Complex PTSD? eMedicineHealth

What is C-PTSD? Beauty After Bruises

What Is C-PTSD? (Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) - Video

The Link between Trauma and Addiction

Link between Trauma and Addiction: Awareness, Research and Research

Link between Trauma and Addiction

Not all addictions are rooted in abuse or trauma, but I do believe they can all be traced to painful experience. A hurt is at the centre of all addictive behaviours. It is present in the gambler, the Internet addict, the compulsive shopper and the workaholic. The wound may not be as deep and the ache not as excruciating, and it may even be entirely hidden — but it’s there. As we’ll see, the effects of early stress or adverse experiences directly shape both the psychology and the neurobiology of addiction in the brain.” ― Gabor MatΓ©

At the core of every addiction is an emptiness based in abject fear. The addict dreads and abhors the present moment; she bends feverishly only toward the next time, the moment when her brain, infused with her drug of choice, will briefly experience itself as liberated from the burden of the past and the fear of the future — the two elements that make the present intolerable. Many of us resemble the drug addict in our ineffectual efforts to fill in the spiritual black hole, the void at the center, where we have lost touch with our souls, our spirit — with those sources of meaning and value that are not contingent or fleeting. 

Our consumerist, acquisition-, action-, and image-mad culture only serves to deepen the hole, leaving us emptier than before. The constant, intrusive, and meaningless mind-whirl that characterizes the way so many of us experience our silent moments is, itself, a form of addiction — and it serves the same purpose. “One of the main tasks of the mind is to fight or remove the emotional pain, which is one of the reasons for its incessant activity, but all it can ever achieve is to cover it up temporarily. 

In fact, the harder the mind struggles to get rid of the pain, the greater the pain.”14 So writes Eckhart Tolle. Even our 24/7 self-exposure to noise, e-mails, cell phones, TV, Internet chats, media outlets, music downloads, videogames, and nonstop internal and external chatter cannot succeed in drowning out the fearful voices within.” ― Gabor MatΓ©

Childhood Trauma and Addiction

Link between Trauma and Addiction Research

Link between Trauma and Addiction
There is a well-established link between trauma and addiction. Traumatic experiences can have a significant impact on a person's mental and emotional well-being, and they can contribute to the development of addictive behaviors as a way to cope with the pain and distress associated with the trauma. Here are some key points to understand the relationship between trauma and addiction:

1. Self-Medication: People who have experienced trauma may turn to substances or addictive behaviors as a form of self-medication to numb emotional pain, reduce anxiety, or escape from distressing memories. Drugs or addictive behaviors may provide temporary relief and create a sense of control or emotional regulation.

2. Co-Occurrence: Trauma and addiction often co-occur. Research has shown that individuals with substance use disorders have higher rates of trauma exposure compared to the general population. Similarly, individuals who have experienced trauma are at an increased risk of developing substance abuse or addiction.

3. Neurobiological Changes: Trauma can lead to significant changes in brain chemistry and functioning. Chronic stress associated with trauma can affect the brain's reward system, which is involved in addiction. The use of drugs or engagement in addictive behaviors can temporarily restore balance to the disrupted neurochemical systems, reinforcing the addictive cycle.

4. Reenactment: Some individuals with a history of trauma may unconsciously seek out situations or relationships that replicate or reenact aspects of their traumatic experiences. This phenomenon, known as "traumatic reenactment" or "repetition compulsion," can contribute to engaging in self-destructive behaviors, including addiction.

5. Coping Mechanisms: Addiction can be viewed as a maladaptive coping mechanism for dealing with the effects of trauma. Substance use or addictive behaviors can provide a temporary sense of relief or escape from distressing emotions, intrusive thoughts, or painful memories associated with the traumatic event.

6. Complex Trauma: Complex trauma refers to repeated or prolonged exposure to traumatic events, often in the context of interpersonal relationships, such as childhood abuse or neglect. Complex trauma can have more severe and long-lasting effects, increasing the risk of developing addiction as a coping mechanism.

7. Treatment Implications: Addressing both trauma and addiction simultaneously is crucial for effective treatment. Trauma-informed care recognizes the impact of trauma on individuals and integrates this understanding into treatment approaches. Comprehensive treatment approaches may involve therapy modalities such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), and group therapy to address trauma-related issues and support recovery from addiction.

It is important to note that while trauma can contribute to the development of addiction, not everyone who experiences trauma will develop addictive behaviors, and not all individuals with addiction have experienced trauma. However, understanding the link between trauma and addiction is crucial for providing appropriate support and treatment for those who are affected." (Source: ChatGPT 2023)
A Trauma Model of Substance Use: Elaboration and Preliminary ScienceDirect

A Review of the Research on the Relationship Between Substance Abuse and a History of Exposure to Trauma  PDF Download Debbie C. Sturm, James Madison University

Addiction: Childhood Trauma, Stress and the Biology of Addiction Gabor PDF Download MatΓ©, MD 

Abuse, Domestic Violence and Trauma Resources Mental Health and Motivation

Addiction: Childhood Trauma, Stress and the Biology of Addiction Gabor MatΓ© (AARM)

Childhood Trauma and Addiction  HighlandSprings

Childhood Trauma and Addiction: The Connection Explained Safe & Sound Treatment

Concept of Trauma and Guidance for a Trauma-Informed Approach PDF Download SAMHSA

Does Trauma Always Lead To Addiction? Camino Recovery

Does Trauma Trigger Addiction? Rehabs UK

Dual Diagnosis: Substance Abuse and Mental Health HelpGuide

Exploring the Link Between Trauma and Addiction: Understanding the Connection The Nestled Recovery

How Addiction Affects The Family Addiction Center

How Childhood Trauma Can Lead to Substance Abuse Made Of Millions

How Does Childhood Trauma Lead to Addiction? Carolina Center For Recovery

How Does Trauma Affect Addiction? The Link between Trauma and Addiction Bridging the Gaps

Link Between Childhood Trauma And Addiction In Adulthood Silvermist Recovery

Making the Connection: Trauma and Substance Abuse PDF Download The National Child Traumatic Stress Network

Mothering, Substance Use Disorders and Intergenerational Trauma Transmission: An Attachment-Based Perspective Frontiers of Psychiatry

Psychological Trauma and Substance Abuse: The Need for an Integrated Approach JSTOR

Relationship between Interpersonal Trauma Exposure and Addictive Behaviors: A Systematic Review BMC Psychiatry

Substance use, childhood traumatic experience, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in an urban civilian population NIH

The Common Link Between Trauma And Addiction CLINIC les ALPES Switzerland

The Connection Between Childhood Trauma Adult Addiction Old Vineyard Behavioral Health Services

The Connection Between Trauma and Addiction The Freedom Center

The Correlation Between Trauma & Substance Abuse The Recovery Village

The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Problematic Alcohol and Drug Use Trajectories and the Moderating Role of Social Support MDPI

The Interplay between Trauma, Substance Abuse and appetitive Aggression and its /Relation to criminal activity among high-risk males in South Africa ScienceDirect

The Intersection of Childhood Trauma and Addiction Counseling Today

The Link between Childhood Trauma and Addiction Calda Clinic

The Relationship Between PTSD and Addiction MentalHealp

The Relationship between Childhood Trauma, Early-Life Stress, and Alcohol and Drug Use, Abuse, and Addiction: An Integrative Review Sematic Scholar

To Improve Safety, Understanding and Addressing the Link between Childhood Trauma and Crime Is Key Urban Institute

Trauma, Addiction and Misdiagnoses Recovery Direct

Traumatic Stress and Substance Abuse Problems PDF Download International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies

Trauma and Addiction The Life Story

Trauma and Addiction: The Link We Can't Ignore (Clinical Edition) Carrie Dejong

Understanding Trauma and Addiction Green Hill Recovery

Understanding the Link Between Trauma and Addiction Riverside Recovery

What is Complex Trauma in Addiction?  Treatment Magazine

What is the Link Between Trauma and Addiction? Indiana Center for Recovery

What Types of Trauma Can Lead to Addiction? Illuminate Recovery

When Trauma Slips into Addiction The Imprint

Why Trauma Can Lead to Addiction Psychology Today

Why Trauma Often Leads to Addiction Gateway Foundation

How Childhood Trauma Leads to Addiction - Gabor MatΓ© (Video)

What is Social Psychology?

 Social Psychology Awareness, Research and Resources

What is Social Psychology?

The field of human relations in Freud’s sense is similar to the market—it is an exchange of satisfaction of biologically given needs, in which the relationship to the other individual is always a means to an end but never an end in itself.”― Erich Fromm

Social Psychology Research

What is Social Psychology?
"Social psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on how individuals' thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the social environment in which they live. It studies how people's thoughts, emotions, and actions are shaped by the presence of others, social interactions, group dynamics, and social norms.

Social psychologists explore a wide range of topics, including attitudes, stereotypes, conformity, obedience, prejudice, aggression, altruism, attraction, group behavior, and social cognition. They examine how individuals perceive and interpret social information, how they form impressions of others, how they influence and are influenced by social situations, and how they behave in social groups.

One of the central concepts in social psychology is the idea that individuals' behavior is influenced not only by their own internal characteristics but also by the social context in which they find themselves. This perspective emphasizes the power of social influence and the role of social norms, social roles, and social identity in shaping behavior.

Social psychologists use a variety of research methods to study human behavior in social settings, including laboratory experiments, surveys, observations, and field studies. They analyze data to uncover patterns, test hypotheses, and develop theories about the factors that impact social behavior.

The findings of social psychology have important implications for understanding and addressing real-world issues such as prejudice, discrimination, interpersonal relationships, group dynamics, and social change. By understanding the social factors that influence behavior, social psychologists aim to contribute to the development of interventions and strategies that promote positive social interactions, reduce conflict, and improve overall well-being in individuals and communities." (Source: ChatGPT 2023)

An Introduction to the Science of Social Psychology Portland State University

An Overview of Social Psychology Verywell Mind

Articles, Research, & Case Studies on Social Psychology Harvard Business School

Conducting Research in Social Psychology University of Minnesota

Current Research in Social Psychology University of Iowa

International Review of Social Psychology (Journal) Ubiquity Press

Research Methods in Social Psychology Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Social and Health Psychology (Research) Utrecht University

Social Psychology: Definition, Theories, Principles, & Examples Simply Psychology

Social Psychology Examines Interpersonal Relationships American Psychological Association

Social Psychology Information and Resources All About Psychology

Social Psychology Network Wesleyan University

Social Psychology | Open Access Articles Social Psychology Commons

Social Psychology as a natural kind NIH

Social Psychology Experiments: 10 Of The Most Famous Studies Psyblog

Social Psychology of Education (Journal) Springer

Social and Applied Psychology University of Sussex

The 9 Major Research Areas in Social Psychology Verywell Mind

What is Social and Personality Psychology? Society for Personality and Social Psychology

What Is Social Psychology? Definition, Key Terms, and Examples Maryville University

Work and Social Psychology Maastricht University

What is Social Psychology? An Introduction - Video

How to Manage a Successful Career

 Successful Career Management Awareness, Research and Resources

How to Manage a Successful Career

"The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle." – Steve Jobs

How to Manage a Successful Career Research

How to Manage a Successful Career
"Managing a successful career requires a combination of strategic planning, continuous learning, effective communication, networking, and adaptability. Here are some key steps to help you manage your career effectively:

1. Set Clear Goals: Define your short-term and long-term career goals. These goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART goals). Having a clear direction will help you stay focused and motivated.

2. Develop a Plan: Create a career development plan outlining the steps you need to take to achieve your goals. Identify the skills and knowledge you need to acquire, the experiences you need to gain, and the milestones you want to reach along the way.

3. Continuous Learning: Invest in your personal and professional development by acquiring new skills and knowledge. Take advantage of training programs, workshops, conferences, online courses, and industry certifications. Stay up to date with industry trends and advancements.

4. Seek Feedback: Actively seek feedback from your superiors, colleagues, and mentors. Feedback helps you identify areas for improvement and enables you to make necessary adjustments to your approach. Use feedback as a learning opportunity and continuously strive for growth.

5. Network: Build and maintain a strong professional network. Attend industry events, join professional associations, and connect with colleagues and mentors in your field. Networking can provide valuable opportunities for career advancement, learning, and support.

6. Take Initiative: Be proactive in seeking new challenges and opportunities. Look for ways to contribute beyond your assigned responsibilities. Volunteer for projects, propose innovative ideas, and demonstrate your value to the organization.

7. Develop Soft Skills: Alongside technical expertise, soft skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership are crucial for career success. Continuously work on improving your interpersonal skills to effectively collaborate with others and navigate workplace dynamics.

8. Embrace Change: Embrace change and be adaptable in today's dynamic work environment. Be open to new opportunities, technologies, and ways of working. Continually assess and update your skills to stay relevant and competitive.

9. Build a Personal Brand: Cultivate a positive personal brand both online and offline. Present yourself professionally, maintain a strong online presence, and actively manage your reputation. Your personal brand should align with your career goals and reflect your expertise and values.

10. Balance Work and Life: Maintain a healthy work-life balance to prevent burnout and maintain overall well-being. Set boundaries, prioritize self-care, and engage in activities outside of work that bring you joy and fulfillment.

Remember that managing a successful career is an ongoing process. It requires self-reflection, adaptability, and a willingness to learn and grow. Stay proactive, seek new opportunities, and remain focused on your long-term goals." (Source: ChatGPT 2023)

An Explorative Study on Factors influencing the Career Success of Management Employees SA Journal of Industrial Psychology

Career Development Resources American Library Association

Career Management: An Active Process ResearchGate

Career Management: Benefits, Career Management Model iEduNote

Career Success: 10 Tips on How to Be Successful at Work TopResume

How to be Successful in Your Chosen Career or Careers LinkedIn

How to Manage Your Career New York Times

Life Skills You Need For A Successful Career Corporate Career Girl

Managing your Academic Career: Strategies for Success ResearchGate

Motivation and Positive Mindset Resources Mental Health and Motivation

Nine Steps to Build a Successful Career from your Passion Knowres

Personal Focus and Self-Improvement Resources Mental Health and Motivation

Research on the Impact of Career Management fit on Career Success Wiley Online Library

SMART Personal Goals and Objectives Mental Health and Motivation

Skills for a Successful Management Career Prospects

Strategies for Achieving a Successful Research Career in Management LinkedIn

Successful Career Management Springer

Successful Career Planning Fredonia

The Four Career Concepts: Managers can learn how to better develop their people by learning how they're motivated SHRM

Tips to Become more Successful at Work Hays

Understanding Career Success and Its Contributing Factors for Clinical and Translational Investigators NIH

How to Build an Effective Career Plan (Top 5 Tips) - Video