01 July 2023

Substance Abuse Disorder

 Substance Abuse Disorder Awareness Research and Resources

Substance Abuse Disorder

“Addiction is the pleasure island of our lives. Only a long swim or rescue will help us.” ― Trevor Carss

Substance Abuse Disorder Research

Substance Abuse Disorder
Substance abuse disorder, also known as substance use disorder (SUD), is a complex condition characterized by the excessive and compulsive use of substances despite negative consequences. It is considered a chronic brain disease that affects a person's behavior, cognitive function, and physical health.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), published by the American Psychiatric Association, provides criteria for diagnosing substance use disorders. The severity of the disorder is determined by the number of criteria met, ranging from mild to moderate to severe.

Some common substances associated with substance abuse disorder include alcohol, tobacco, prescription drugs (such as opioids, benzodiazepines, and stimulants), and illicit drugs (such as cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and cannabis). The misuse or overuse of these substances can lead to a range of physical, psychological, and social problems.

Signs and symptoms of substance abuse disorder can vary depending on the substance involved, but they may include:
  • Cravings or strong urges to use the substance
  • Difficulty controlling or reducing substance use
  • Developing tolerance and needing increasing amounts of the substance to achieve the desired effect
  • Withdrawal symptoms when substance use is discontinued or reduced
  • Neglecting responsibilities at work, school, or home due to substance use
  • Persistent use of the substance despite knowing the harmful effects
  • Social or interpersonal problems related to substance use
  • Spending a significant amount of time obtaining, using, or recovering from substance use
  • Giving up previously enjoyed activities or hobbies in favor of substance use

Substance abuse disorder can have severe consequences for individuals and society as a whole. It can lead to physical health problems, mental health disorders (such as depression, anxiety, and psychosis), relationship difficulties, legal problems, financial instability, and an increased risk of accidents and injuries.

Treatment for substance abuse disorder typically involves a combination of behavioral therapies, medication-assisted treatment (if applicable), and support groups. Detoxification may be necessary to manage withdrawal symptoms, followed by ongoing therapy and support to address the underlying causes and triggers of substance abuse.

If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, it is important to seek help from a healthcare professional or a local addiction treatment center. Recovery is possible with the right support, treatment, and commitment to making positive changes. (Source: ChatGPT 2023)

A Qualitative Study exploring how young people perceive and experience Substance Use Services in British Columbia, Canada BMC

A Study of Psychological Pain in Substance Use Disorder and its Relationship to Treatment Outcome Plos One

A Systematic Review of Substance Use and Substance Use Disorder Research in Kenya PLOS

Addiction & Substance Abuse Research The Friedman Brian Institute

Addiction Research Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation

Center for Adolescent Substance Abuse Research (CASAR) University of Minnesota

Defining Substance Abuse and Substance Use Disorders Rural Health Information Hub

Evidence-based Treatment for Substance Use Disorders in Community Mental Health Centers: the ACCESS Program Springer Link

High-Risk Substance Use Among Youth Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

How Social Relationships Influence Substance Use Disorder Recovery: A Collaborative Narrative Study Sage Journals

How Trauma and Substance Use Disorder Are Related GoodRx Health

IU Researcher creates Virtual Reality Experiences to aid Substance Use Disorder Recovery Indiana University

Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment ScienceDirect

New Research and Insights into Substance Use Disorder Johns Hopkins Medicine

Overview of Substance Use MSD Manual

PhD Student Guide: Substance Use Disorder Awareness & Support phds.me

Research on Women with Substance Use Disorders: Reviewing Progress and Developing a Research and Implementation Roadmap ScienceDirect

SUD Training Resources County of Los Angeles Public Health

Study looks at Long-Term severe Substance Use Disorder University of Michigan

Substance Use, Abuse, and Addiction American Psychological Association

Substance Use Disorder (SUD): Symptoms & Treatment Cleveland Clinic

Substance Use Disorders and Addiction: Mechanisms, Trends, and Treatment Implications The American Journal Of Psychiatry

Substance Abuse Research Report World Health Organization Ghana

Substance Use and Addiction Medicine JAMA Network

Substance Use and Co-Occurring Mental Disorders NIH

The Impact of Substance Use Disorders on Families and Children: From Theory to Practice NIH

What Is a Substance Use Disorder? American Psychiatric Association

“Why Addiction is a “Disease”, and Why It’s Important” PDF Download SAMHSA   

Substance Use Disorder (SUD) - Video