01 July 2023

Mental Health and Love Addiction

 Love Addiction: Awareness, Research and Resources

Love Addiction

Love addicts often pick partners who are emotionally unavailable because deep down, they don’t feel worthy of having a healthy, loving relationship. A love addict craves and obsesses about becoming enmeshed or ‘one’ with another human being at all costs, even if it means putting themselves in potential danger.” ― Christopher Dines

Love Addiction Research

Love Addiction
"Love addiction, also known as relationship addiction or compulsive romantic attachment, refers to a pattern of behavior in which a person becomes emotionally dependent on romantic relationships. It is characterized by an intense preoccupation with romantic fantasies, a constant need for validation and attention from a romantic partner, and a fear of being alone or abandoned.

People with love addiction often have a strong desire for romantic love and may engage in a series of short-lived, intense relationships or constantly seek out new partners to fill an emotional void. They may experience intense highs and lows in their relationships and have difficulty maintaining long-term, stable partnerships.

Love addiction can be rooted in underlying emotional issues such as low self-esteem, fear of intimacy or abandonment, or unresolved trauma from past relationships. It can also co-occur with other addictive behaviors or mental health conditions, such as substance abuse, codependency, or mood disorders.

Symptoms of love addiction may include:
  • Preoccupation with romantic fantasies or daydreams.
  • Constantly seeking out new romantic partners or relationships.
  • Feeling a sense of desperation or emptiness when not in a relationship.
  • Sacrificing personal interests, goals, or values to maintain a relationship.
  • Difficulty setting boundaries or saying no in relationships.
  • Fear of rejection or abandonment.
  • Frequently engaging in dysfunctional relationship patterns (e.g., pursuing unavailable partners, staying in toxic relationships).
  • Neglecting self-care or personal responsibilities due to excessive focus on relationships.
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms or intense distress when a relationship ends.
  • Inability to maintain healthy, balanced relationships.

It's important to note that love addiction is not recognized as an official diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), which is widely used by mental health professionals. However, the patterns and behaviors associated with love addiction can significantly impact a person's well-being and relationships.

Treatment for love addiction often involves therapy or counseling. A mental health professional can help individuals explore the underlying causes of their love addiction, develop healthier relationship patterns, and work on building self-esteem and self-worth outside of romantic relationships. Support groups and self-help resources may also be beneficial for individuals seeking recovery from love addiction.

If you or someone you know is struggling with love addiction, it is recommended to reach out to a mental health professional for an assessment and guidance on the appropriate course of treatment."(Source: ChatGPT 2023)

Addicted to Love? Craving comes in two forms, and both can hurt New Scientist

Addicted to Love: What is Love Addiction and when should it be treated? NIH

Are You Addicted to Love? Take This Quiz Psycom

Falling In Love Hits The Brain Like Cocaine Does Medical News Today

How Romantic Love is like Addiction Big Think

How to Break the Pattern of Love Addiction Integrative Life Center

How to Spot a Love Addict The New York Times

In the Brain, Romantic Love is Basically an Addiction Discover Magazine

Limerence or love addiction? Living with Limerence

Love Addiction: 9 Signs, Causes, Tips To Break The Chains Mind Help

Love Addiction: Current Diagnostic and Therapeutic Paradigms in Clinical Psychology Health Psychology Research

Love Addiction: Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment Verywell Mind

Love Addictions: Do You Have an Unhealthy Addiction to Love? PsychAlive

Love Addiction, Adult Attachment Patterns and Self-Esteem: Testing for Mediation Using Path Analysis MDPI

Love Addiction, Emotional Dysregulation and Attachment Bonds: A Quantitative Study of 344 Females Taylor & Francis Online

Love Addiction and the Draw of Toxic Relationships Caron

Love, Lust, or Addiction? 10 Signs of Love Addiction and How to Heal Medium

Romantic Love vs. Drug Addiction May Inspire a New Treatment for Addiction Frontiers in Psychology

Scientifically, could Love count as an Addiction? Science Focus

The Love Addiction Inventory: Preliminary Findings of the Development Process and Psychometric Characteristics Springer Link

The Tyranny Of Love: Love Addiction—An Anthropologist’s View Helen Fisher, PhD 

Treatment of Love Addiction: Current Status and Perspectives Elsevier

Unpacking the Notion of Love Addiction Healthline

What Do You Need To Know About Love Addiction? Refocus

What Is Love Addiction? Psychology Today

8 Signs It's Obsession, NOT Love - Video