30 November 2023

Mental Health and Tattoos

Mental Health and Tattoos : Awareness, Information, Research and Article Links

Mental Health and Tattoos

Being able to be your true self is one of the strongest components of good mental health.” – Dr. Lauren Fogel Mersy

Mental Health Effects of Tattoos

Psychology Behind Getting Tattoos

Tattoos and Piercings

Tattoos for Mental Health Recovery

Mental Health and Tattoos
"Mental health and tattoos can be connected in various ways. For some individuals, getting tattoos can be a form of self-expression and a way to cope with or heal from mental health challenges. However, it's important to note that tattoos themselves do not directly treat or cure mental health conditions, and they should not be seen as a substitute for professional mental health care.

Here are a few aspects to consider regarding the relationship between mental health and tattoos:
  1. Symbolism and Personal Expression: Tattoos can hold deep personal meaning for individuals, and they may choose designs that represent their experiences, values, or emotions. For some, the process of getting a tattoo and having a permanent mark on their body can serve as a tangible reminder of their journey, personal growth, or overcoming challenges. The act of choosing and getting a tattoo can provide a sense of control and ownership over one's body, which can be empowering for individuals struggling with mental health issues.

  2. Therapeutic Outlet: Tattooing can also serve as a therapeutic outlet for some people. The experience of being tattooed may provide a temporary escape or distraction from emotional distress. It can be a way to channel negative emotions or release pent-up feelings. The process of getting a tattoo can be a cathartic experience for individuals who find solace in the physical sensations or rituals associated with it.

  3. Body Image and Self-Esteem: Mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, or body dysmorphia can significantly impact an individual's perception of their body and self-esteem. For some, tattoos can be a way to reclaim their bodies and feel more comfortable in their skin. They can act as a form of body modification that allows individuals to highlight parts of their bodies they feel positive about or to cover up scars or marks that may be a source of distress.

  4. Regret and Impulsivity: While many people find immense value and meaning in their tattoos, it's important to consider the potential for regret or impulsive decision-making. Tattoos are permanent, and what may seem significant or important in one moment of life may change over time. It's crucial to carefully consider the design, placement, and long-term implications of a tattoo to avoid potential future distress or dissatisfaction.

  5. Seeking Professional Help: If you're experiencing mental health challenges, it's important to prioritize seeking professional help from a qualified mental health practitioner. While tattoos can be a personal choice and form of expression, they should not be used as a sole solution or substitute for proper mental health care. Therapists, counselors, or psychiatrists can provide evidence-based treatments and support tailored to your specific needs.
Remember, everyone's experience with mental health and tattoos is unique. If you're considering getting a tattoo, it's essential to engage in thoughtful reflection, research reputable tattoo artists, and make informed decisions that align with your values and overall well-being." (Source: ChatGPT 2023)

The Psychology Behind Getting Tattoos

"The decision to get a tattoo is influenced by various psychological factors. Here are some key aspects of the psychology behind getting tattoos:

1. Personal Expression and Identity:Self-Expression
  • Tattoos are a form of self-expression, allowing individuals to communicate aspects of their identity, beliefs, and experiences. It's a way for people to visually represent who they are or what they value.
  • Identity Formation: Getting a tattoo can be a part of identity formation, helping individuals define and solidify their sense of self.

2. Symbolism and Meaning:Symbolic Representation
  • Tattoos often carry deep personal meanings. Symbols, images, or quotes may represent significant events, relationships, or philosophical ideas in a person's life.
  • Memorialization: Some individuals get tattoos as a way to memorialize a person, event, or period in their life. This can serve as a permanent reminder or tribute.

3. Empowerment and Control:Sense of Control
  • Choosing to get a tattoo provides individuals with a sense of control over their own bodies and lives. It's a decision that is entirely personal, and the permanence of tattoos can be empowering for some.
  • Autonomy: The act of deciding on a tattoo design, location, and artist allows individuals to exercise their autonomy and make decisions about their body.

4. Coping Mechanism
  • Coping with Trauma: Some people use tattoos as a way to cope with traumatic experiences. The process of getting a tattoo and the permanence of the ink can be a symbolic and therapeutic way to reclaim control and mark a personal transformation.
  • Pain as Catharsis: The physical pain experienced during the tattooing process can be seen as a form of controlled discomfort, and some individuals find it cathartic.

5. Social and Cultural Influences:Social Acceptance
  • As tattoos have become more socially acceptable, individuals may feel more comfortable expressing themselves through body art. Cultural shifts have contributed to the normalization of tattoos in various societies.
  • Peer and Celebrity Influence: Friends, family, and celebrities can influence the decision to get a tattoo. Social trends and the visibility of tattoos in popular culture can play a role.

6. Artistic Appreciation:Aesthetic Appeal
  • Many people get tattoos simply because they appreciate the art form. Tattoos are a unique way to showcase artistic preferences and carry a piece of art on one's body.

7. Spiritual and Ritualistic Significance
  • Spiritual Beliefs: In some cultures, tattoos have spiritual or religious significance. They may be part of rituals, rites of passage, or religious practices.
  • Cultural Heritage: Some individuals get tattoos to connect with their cultural heritage or to honor their ancestry.

It's important to note that the motivations for getting a tattoo are highly individual, and each person's decision is shaped by a combination of these psychological factors. Additionally, attitudes toward tattoos vary across cultures and generations." (Source: ChatGPT 2023)

A Tattoo Won't Fix My Anxiety Disorder, But It's Helped Me Through It Allure

Are Tattoos associated with Negative Health-Related Outcomes and Risky Behaviors? Wiley Online Library

Are Tattoos a form of Therapy? Happiful 

Are Tattoos linked to Poor Health and Risky Behavior? Medical News Today

Behind The Cathartic Release Of Getting Tattooed TZR

Body Modification and Personality: Intimately Intertwined? Psychiatry Online

Depression Tattoos to Support Mental Health Verywell Mind

Got ink? The Process And Psychology Of Tattoos Science World

Guys Share the Powerful Stories Behind Their Mental Health Tattoos Men's Health

Having visible Tattoos gives Psychologists more Cred PDF Download New University of Saskatchewan 

How Tattoos Can Help Your Mental Health The Joint

How Tattoos Contribute to Your Mental Health Thrive Global

Individuals with tattoos more likely to be diagnosed with mental health: Study Devdiscource

Inspiring Mental Health Tattoos With Meaning OMF

Is There A Correlation Between Getting Inked Up and Mentally Knocked Down? Openwide

Massive use of Tattoos and Psychopathological Clinical Evidence Peertechz Publications

Mental Body Representations of Women with Tattoos in Emerging Adulthood — A Cluster Analysis Springer Link

Mental Health Awareness Tattoo Ideas Mominformed

Mental Health Tattoos & Ink Ideas For Awareness & Recovery TRVST

Mental Health Tattoos - Five Things to Consider Reason Factory

Mental Health Tattoos: The Reasons why 3 People Chose to get Inked Today

Mental Health Tattoos and Their Meaning Mood Health

My Tattoos Rewrite My Mental Illness Story Healthline

People With Tattoos More Likely to Also Have Mental Health Issues Psych Central

Positive Mental Health Effects of Tattoos Psychreg

Prevalence of Tattooing and Body Piercing in Germany and Perception of Health, Mental Disorders, and Sensation seeking among tattooed and body-pierced individuals Science Direct

Psychiatric Implications of Tattoos NIH

Psychiatric Forensic Patients With Tattoos More Likely To Have Antisocial Personality Disorder ScienceDaily

Psychological Profile of Tattooed People: The 3 Distinctive Features Psychology Spot
  • You are an outgoing person
  • You look for new experiences
  • You need to feel that you are unique

Relationship of Tattoos to Personality Disorders PDF Download Northwestern Pritzker School of Law

Tattoos: What is their significance? Cambridge University Press

Tattoos a potential marker for risky behaviours, mental health problems? Speciality Minds

Tattoos and Piercings are more common among those who Experienced Childhood Abuse and Neglect PsyPost

Tattoos as a Window to the Mind: Is the “Body Graffiti” Skin Deep or Deeper? International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience

Tattoos as a Window to the Psyche: How talking about skin art can inform psychiatric practice NIH

Tattoos can affect Mental Health: Study The Hans India

Tattoos can Raise Risk of Mental Health, Sleep Issues: Study The Quint

Tattoos, Mental Health and Disability Aruma

Tattooing And Mental Health: Exploring The Connection Between Tattoos And Self-Expression Book Ink

The Association of Childhood Abuse and Neglect with Tattoos and Piercings in the Population: Evidence from a Representative Community Survey BMC Psychology

The Positive Mental Health Effects of Tattoos Psychreg

The Psychology Behind Body Art Psychologs

Understanding Tattoos in Medicolegal Assessments AAPL

Why Tattoos Can Be an Important Part of Mental Health Recovery Well and Good

Your Tattoos may hint at an Ailing Mind The Health Site

What do we Know About the Psychology of Tattoos?

13 November 2023

Doomscrolling and Its Consequences

Doomscrolling – The New Drug of the 21st Century

Doomscrolling and Its Consequences

Have you ever found yourself endlessly scrolling through the news, reading one tragic story after another? If so, you’re not alone. This phenomenon, known as “doomscrolling” or “doomsurfing,” has become increasingly common today. We’ve all experienced those moments when we get caught up in the cycle of doomscrolling, unable to tear our eyes away from the screen, even though it leaves us feeling drained and anxious. (Source: IvyPanda)

Learn More About Doomscrolling:
  • What Is Doomscrolling
  • Signs You Are Doomscrolling
  • The Science Behind Doomscrolling
  • Who Is More Likely to Doomscroll
  • How Doomscrolling Affects You
  • Doomscrolling Impact on Mental Health
  • Doomscrolling Impact on Other Aspects
  • How to Stop Doomscrolling

Learn more:  'Doomscrolling – The New Drug of the 21st Century'

Source / Reference: IvyPanda

Published with permission from IvyPanda

01 November 2023

Neurotransmitters and Psychology

Neurotransmitters and Psychology: Awareness, Research and Resources

Neurotransmitters and Psychology

In contrast to dopamine-fueled feelings of pleasure, feelings of happiness are caused by another neurotransmitter—serotonin. Serotonin also helps create feelings of contentedness, significance, and importance. Among other functions, serotonin is a mood stabilizer. Sure, dopamine will give you the quick pleasure rush, but serotonin will keep you happy in the long term—a positive upbeat mood that chases the blues away.” ― Simon Marshall

Neurotransmitters and Psychology Research

Neurotransmitters and Psychology
"Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers in the brain that play a crucial role in regulating various psychological processes and behaviors. These neurotransmitters help transmit signals between nerve cells (neurons) and are integral to the functioning of the nervous system. Understanding the relationship between neurotransmitters and psychology involves exploring how different neurotransmitters influence emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Here are some neurotransmitters commonly associated with psychology:

Serotonin: Serotonin is often referred to as the "feel-good" neurotransmitter because it plays a significant role in regulating mood and emotions. Low serotonin levels are associated with conditions like depression, anxiety, and mood disorders. Medications like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are commonly prescribed to increase serotonin levels and alleviate depressive symptoms.

Dopamine: Dopamine is associated with the brain's reward and pleasure pathways. It plays a role in motivation, pleasure, and reinforcement. Dysregulation of dopamine is linked to conditions such as addiction, schizophrenia, and Parkinson's disease. Drugs of abuse, like cocaine or opioids, can lead to a surge in dopamine release, contributing to addiction.

Norepinephrine (Noradrenaline): Norepinephrine is involved in the "fight or flight" response and helps regulate alertness, attention, and arousal. Dysregulation of norepinephrine can contribute to conditions like anxiety and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Medications used for ADHD often target norepinephrine pathways.

GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid): GABA is the brain's primary inhibitory neurotransmitter. It helps regulate anxiety and stress by reducing neuron excitability. Low GABA levels are associated with anxiety disorders, and medications like benzodiazepines enhance GABA's inhibitory effects.

Glutamate: Glutamate is the brain's primary excitatory neurotransmitter and is involved in various cognitive functions, including learning and memory. Dysregulation of glutamate is associated with conditions like Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, and some psychiatric disorders.

Acetylcholine: Acetylcholine plays a role in muscle control and is involved in cognitive functions like memory, attention, and arousal. It's also associated with the parasympathetic nervous system, which regulates rest and digestion.

Endorphins: Endorphins are neurotransmitters that act as natural painkillers and mood enhancers. They are released during activities like exercise and can produce feelings of euphoria.

The relationship between neurotransmitters and psychology is complex. While imbalances or dysregulation of neurotransmitters can contribute to psychological disorders, it's important to recognize that psychological phenomena are influenced by multiple factors, including genetics, environment, life experiences, and social interactions. Moreover, the exact mechanisms and roles of neurotransmitters in psychology are still subjects of ongoing research.

Psychologists and psychiatrists often consider neurotransmitter functioning when assessing and treating mental health conditions. Medications designed to address imbalances in neurotransmitters are commonly used in the treatment of various psychological disorders. However, a holistic approach that considers both biological and psychosocial factors is essential for a comprehensive understanding of mental health and well-being." (Source: ChatGPT 2023)

A Pilot Study on the Effects of Exercise on Depression Symptoms Using Levels of Neurotransmitters and EEG as Markers PDF Download Liberty University

Anxious Personality Traits: Perspectives from Basic Emotions and Neurotransmitters MDPI

Cells of the Nervous System Pressbooks

Comparison of Psychological Symptoms and Serum Levels of Neurotransmitters in Shanghai Adolescents with and without Internet Addiction Disorder: A Case-Control Study Plos One

How Dopamine Influences Mental Health Mental Health and Motivation

How Oxytocin Influences Mental Health Mental Health and Motivation

How Serotonin Influences Mental Health Mental Health and Motivation

IB Psychology (BLOA): Cognitions, Emotions & Behaviours are Products of the Anatomy and Physiology of our Nervous and Endocrine System Tutor2U

Impact of Neurotransmitters on Health through Emotion ResearchGate

Introduction to Neurotransmitters Psych Exam Review

Neurochemicals, Behaviours and Psychiatric Perspectives of Neurological Diseases Neuropsychiatry Journal (London)

Neurotransmitters GoodTherapy

Neurotransmitter - An Overview ScienceDirect

Neurotransmitters and Emotions Frontiers in Psychology

Neurotransmitters and their Impact on Mental Illness International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 

Neurotransmitters of Leadership Psychology Today

Neurotransmitters: Types, Functions and Disorders Kenhub

Neurotransmitters: What they are, Functions, and Psychology Medical News Today

Neurotransmitters and their Effect on Behaviour Psychology Rocks!

Neurons, Neurotransmitters & Synaptic Transmission CGS Psychology

Neurons and Neurotransmission IB Psychology

Scientists identify connection between dopamine and behavior related to pain and fear.
New research illuminates crucial links between avoidance behavior and key brain chemicals ScienceDaily

The Ultimate Guide to Neurotransmitters for AP® Psychology Albert

Neurotransmitter - Animated Video Science

Human Motivation by Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Human Motivation by AI: Awareness, Research and Resources

Human Motivation by Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Our intelligence is what makes us human, and AI is an extension of that quality. Artificial intelligence is extending what we can do with our abilities. In this way, it’s letting us become more human.” — Yann LeCun

Human Motivation by AI Research

Human Motivation by AI in Organizations

 Human Motivation by Artificial Intelligence (AI)
"The concept of "Human Motivation by Artificial Intelligence" typically refers to how AI technologies can influence or support human motivation. Here are some ways AI can impact human motivation:
  1. Personalized Recommendations: AI systems can analyze user preferences and behaviors to provide personalized recommendations for various activities, such as movies, music, books, and products. By catering to individual tastes, AI can enhance the overall user experience and keep individuals motivated to explore and engage with content.

  2. Learning and Development: AI can be used in educational settings to tailor learning experiences to individual needs. Adaptive learning platforms powered by AI can identify areas where a person needs improvement and provide targeted resources and exercises. This personalized approach can increase motivation by making learning more relevant and efficient.

  3. Health and Fitness: AI-driven fitness apps and devices can set personalized goals, track progress, and provide feedback. Gamification elements, such as rewards and challenges, can make the process of staying healthy more engaging and motivating.

  4. Virtual Assistants and Productivity Tools: AI-powered virtual assistants can help individuals manage their tasks and schedules more efficiently. By automating routine activities and offering reminders, these tools can reduce stress and increase motivation by freeing up time for more meaningful or enjoyable activities.

  5. Emotional Support and Well-being: Some AI applications are designed to provide emotional support and mental health assistance. Chatbots and virtual companions can offer encouragement, guidance, and companionship, contributing to improved well-being and motivation.

  6. Career Development: AI can assist in career planning and development by analyzing skills, suggesting learning paths, and identifying potential job opportunities. This guidance can motivate individuals to pursue professional growth and development.

  7. Creativity and Innovation: AI tools can serve as creative collaborators, assisting individuals in generating ideas, designs, or solutions. The synergy between human creativity and AI capabilities can inspire and motivate individuals to explore new possibilities.

It's important to approach the integration of AI in human motivation with ethical considerations. Ensuring user privacy, transparency, and avoiding undue manipulation are critical aspects of responsible AI development. While AI can enhance motivation in various domains, it's not a substitute for the deep and complex motivations that arise from human experiences, relationships, and intrinsic values. The human factor remains central in understanding and addressing motivational needs." ChatGPT 2023

Artificial Intelligence, Leadership and Team Motivation. How can a good leader become a great leader and an effective leader by nurturing soft skills through…..AI? Speaker Agency

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education Mental Health and Motivation

Embracing AI in the Workplace: A Guide to Empowering Your Employees and Staying Competitive Effectio

Employee motivation in the age of automation and agility McKinsey and Company

Equipping Artificial Intelligence (AI) with Motivation Sainsbury Welcome Centre

Exploring New AI-Based Technologies to Enhance Students’ Motivation PDF Download Informing Science Institute

Eye-Tracking and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance Motivation and Learning Springer

Fostering motivation through AI techniques in Educational Serious Games PDF Download Ana Carolina Ribeiro Moura Faculdade De Engenharia Da Universidade do Porto

Harnessing Self-Motivation in the AI Era: A Pathway to Thriving in the Future LinkedIn

How AI Can Predict the Needs of Employees Spiceworks

How AI Can Drive Employee Engagement (Motivation) Forbes

How is Artificial Intelligence (AI) Used To Motivate Employees in and Organisation Irish Tech News

Impact of Artificial Intelligence IAI) on Human Loss in Decision Making, Laziness and Safety in Education

Intrinsic Motivation (Artificial Intelligence / AI) Autoblocks

Motivating Students to Learn AI Through Social Networking Sites: A Case Study in Hong Kong University of Hong Kong

Motivation, Social Emotion, and the Acceptance of Artificial Intelligence Virtual Assistants—Trust-Based Mediating Effects Frontiers in Psychology

The Impact of AI on Human Motivation: Is Automation Making Us Lazy? LinkedIn

The Impact of AI: Motivation shifts from "doing" to "being" American Chamber of Commerce in Romania

The Missing Argument: Motivation and Artificial Intelligence Medium

Role and Function of AI in Mental Health Mental Health and Motivation

Understanding Student Intrinsic Motivation in Using an Artificial Intelligence-based Interpretation Training Application LearnTechLib

Use of AI for Improving Employee Motivation and Satisfaction ResearchGate

Using AI To Help Your Hybrid Workforce Perform Better Inspire

What is Motivation? - According to ChatGPT AI Mental Health and Motivation

What is Doomscrolling?

Doomscrolling: Awareness, Research and Resources

What is Doomscrolling?

Let us break the deadlock and stop doom-scrolling into the narrative of a fluctuating landscape of dispiriting thoughts...but, instead, invite the flowers of compassion to blossom in our hearts and our minds and overwhelm us with a spray of vibrant petals of well-being.”― Erik Pevernagie

Doomscrolling Research

What is Doomscrolling?
"Doomscrolling" refers to the habit of endlessly scrolling through bad news, often on social media, even though the content is upsetting, disheartening, or anxiety-inducing. The term gained popularity in the context of the widespread use of social media and the constant flow of negative information available online. People who engage in doomscrolling may find themselves compulsively scrolling through news feeds or timelines, consuming a continuous stream of negative or distressing information.

Doomscrolling can have negative effects on mental health, contributing to feelings of anxiety, stress, and helplessness. The constant exposure to negative news and sensationalized content can also lead to a distorted view of the world, as positive or neutral information may be overshadowed by the overwhelming volume of negative content.

It's essential to be mindful of our online habits and to take breaks from consuming distressing information to prioritize mental well-being. Setting limits on screen time, curating online content to include more positive sources, and practicing self-care are some strategies that individuals can employ to manage doomscrolling tendencies." (Source: ChatGPT 2023)

A Doomscrolling Self-Assessment Psychology Today

Consuming too much bad news from doomscrolling can lead to worse physical and mental health, a new study suggests Business Insider

Doomscrolling Isn't Just Bad For Your Brain, Study Finds. Here's How to Stop Science Alert

Doomscrolling Scale: its Association with Personality Traits, Psychological Distress, Social Media Use, and Wellbeing NIH

Doomscrolling and Its Consequences Mental Health and Motivation

Epidemiology of News: Doom Scrolling, Information Overload, and Other “Media Pathologies” in Our Infected Society ResearchGate

How to Stop Doomscrolling and Find Meaning on Social Media Time

How Doomscrolling Can Wreak Havoc on Your Mental Health Good Housekeeping

How to Stop Doomscrolling - With Psychology Wired

Resisting the Doomscroll: 4 Tips to break the habit Suisideline Victoria

Stop Doomscrolling with CBT in 4 Steps Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Los Angeles

The Dark at the End of the Tunnel: Doomscrolling on Social Media Newsfeeds PDF Download University of Florida

What 6 Hours of Doomscrolling Does to Your Brain Medium

What's Doomscrolling and Can It Harm Me? WebMD

Why You're Probably Doomscrolling... And How to Stop University College London

Doomscrolling: Why do we do it?

๐ŸŽ“ Mental Health, Psychology and Relationship Resources

Abuse and Domestic Violence Articles

Abuse and Domestic Violence Awareness Articles

Abuse and Domestic Violence Articles

In situations of captivity the perpetrator becomes the most powerful person in the life of the victim, and the psychology of the victim is shaped by the actions and beliefs of the perpetrator.” ― Judith Lewis Herman

Choose to live, by choosing to leave.” ― DJ Kyos

Abuse and Domestic Violence Article Resources

For Men and Women Leaving Abusive Relationships

For Victims of Narcissistic Abuse

Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

Survivors of Domestic, Child, Emotional, Physical, Sexual and Verbal Abuse  

Abuse and Domestic Violence
"Abuse and domestic violence are serious issues that require immediate attention and support. While I'm an AI language model and not a substitute for professional help, I can provide some general information and guidance. Remember, it's important to reach out to professionals who can offer personalized assistance. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please contact your local emergency services right away.

Here are a few important points to consider:

1. Safety: Your safety, or the safety of the person experiencing abuse, is the top priority. If you're in immediate danger, find a safe place away from the abuser. If possible, reach out to a trusted friend, family member, or a local shelter to seek assistance.

2. Seek support: It's crucial to talk to someone about your situation. Reach out to a helpline or support organization that specializes in domestic violence. They can provide guidance, resources, and emotional support. In many countries, there are hotlines available 24/7 to provide assistance. They can help you create a safety plan and connect you with local services.

3. Reporting: Consider reporting the abuse to the appropriate authorities. This can be the police or a local law enforcement agency. They can guide you on the necessary steps to take and offer protection if needed.

4. Legal protection: Familiarize yourself with the legal protections available in your jurisdiction for victims of domestic violence. This may include obtaining a restraining order or protective order against the abuser. Consult with a lawyer or legal aid organization to understand your options.

5. Counseling and therapy: Emotional support is crucial for healing and recovery. Seek counseling or therapy services specifically for survivors of abuse. They can provide a safe space to process your experiences and help you develop coping mechanisms.

6. Support networks: Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends, family, or support groups. Sharing your experiences with trusted individuals can provide comfort and a sense of community.

Remember, it's important to consult with professionals who can provide personalized advice based on your specific circumstances. They can offer guidance tailored to your situation and connect you with appropriate resources.

If you need immediate help or information, please reach out to a local helpline or emergency service." (Source: Chat GPT 2023)

Are you in an Abusive Relationship? How to Recognize and Deal with Verbal and Emotional Abuse Free PDF Download Dr. Susan Kriegler  

Domestic Violence and Education: Examining the Impact of Domestic Violence on Young Children, Children, and Young People and the Potential Role of Schools Frontiers in Psychology

Abuse Amnesia: Why We Stay with Our Abusive Partners GoodTherapy

Abusive Relationships: Don't Let Abusers Waste Your Empathy Article

Barriers to Leaving an Abusive Relationship Article

Breaking Trauma Bonds One Step at a Time Article

Characteristics of Abusers Article

Can a Relationship Be Saved After Domestic Violence? Article

Cognitive Dissonance in Narcissistic Abuse GoodTherapy

Controlling Behavior Has a Reason - and a Better Alternative Article 

Domestic Abuse, Sexual Violence and Substance Use Article

Domestic Violence and Abuse Article

Domestic Violence and Abusive Relationships Article

Domestic Violence Facts, Types and Effects Article

Domestic Violence Against Men Article

Domestic Violence Against Men : Prevalence and Risk Factors Article

Domestic Violence Resource Manual PDF Document Download

Emotional Abuse in Intimate Relationships: The Role of Gender and Age Article

Family Violence Explained Article

Guide to Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse n Scotland  PDF Document Download

Help for Men Who are Being Abused Article

Help-seeking by male victims of domestic violence and abuse (DVA): A Systematic
Review and Qualitative Evidence Synthesis PDF Document Download

How Can I Explain the Impact of Narcissistic Abuse on Me? Article

How Long Does It Take to Recover from Narcissistic Abuse? Article

How To Cope With A Loved One’s Antisocial Personality Article

How to Get Out of an Abusive Relationship Article

How to Heal After an Abusive Relationship Article

How To Help A Friend Who May Be In An Abusive Relationship Article

How to Identify a Narcissist - and Cope with their Potentially Toxic Behavior Article

How to Leave an Abusive Relationship Article

How to Leave a Violent Relationship Safely Article

How to Leave an Abusive Relationship and Never Go Back Article

How To Leave A Narcissist & An Abusive Relationship Article

How to Leave a Toxic Relationship When You’re Still in Love Article

How to Recognize an Abusive Relationship from the Inside Article

How to Recognize the Signs of Mental and Emotional Abuse Article

How to Recognize Verbal Abuse Article

How To Spot Narcissistic Abuse : Behaviors & Warning Signs Article

How To Tell If You’re In a Trauma Bonding Relationship Article

I am in an Abusive Relationship. Is there help out there? Article

International Domestic Violence Resource Guide Mystic Mag

In a Relationship with a Narcissist? What You Need to Know About
Narcissistic Relationships Article

I Didn't Know a Man Could Be Abused by a Woman Article

Inside the Mind of a Stalker Article

Intimate Partner Abuse of Men Australia PDF Document Download

Leaving an Abusive Relationship when you Live Together Article

Living with a New Partner After Abuse Article

Love Bombing : The Narcissistic Abuse Cycle Article

Male Domestic Abuse is more Common than you Think Article

Male Victims of Domestic Violence Struggle to Disclose Abuse Article

Male Victims of Sexual Violence: War's Silent Sufferers Article

Men Abused by Women in Intimate Relationships PDF Document Download

Men’s Experience of Domestic Abuse (Scotland) PDF Document Download

Men’s Experiences of Violence and Abuse from a Female Intimate Partner: Power,
Masculinity and Institutional Systems (Doctoral Research) 
PDF Document Download

Men's Experiences of Violence in Intimate Relationships PDF Document Download

Narcissist Abuse and Cognitive Dissonance More

Narcissistic Abuse Cycle: Idealization, Devaluation, Rejection Article

Narcissistic Abuse and Gaslighting Resources

Narcissistic Abuse: Signs, Effects & Treatments Article

Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome Article

Nine Types of Violence and Abuse PDF Document Download

Patterns of Physical Abuse : Domestic Violence Article

Profile of an Abuser – Traits of an Abuser Article

Overcoming the Aftermath of Leaving a Toxic Relationship Article

Qualitative Study to Investigate Male victims’ Experiences of Female-Perpetrated
Domestic Abuse in Jordan PDF Document Download

Reactive Abuse: What It is and Why Abusers Rely on It Article
Reclaiming Your Voice: Saying No to Emotional Abuse  Article

Recovery: Resilience and Growth in the Aftermath of Domestic Violence PDF Download

Recognize Domestic Violence Against Men Article

Recovering from Narcissistic Abuse, Part I: Blindsided Article

Relationship Abuse Recovery Articles Vernon Chalmers

Recovering from Narcissistic Abuse, Part II: The No-Contact Rule Article

Relationship Abuse Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Article

Relationship Red Flags More

Resource Guide for Male Survivors of Abuse, Sexual Assault and Trauma Article

Serving Male-Identified Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence PDF Document Download 

Silent Treatment: Preferred Weapon of People with Narcissism Article

Signs and Symptoms of Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome Article

Signs of an Abusive Wife and How to Deal With It Marriage

Signs of Emotional Abuse in Relationships That You Should Never Overlook Article

Signs Someone Is Coming Off As Abrasive Without Realizing It Article

Signs That Indicate a Relationship Could Turn Violent Article

Signs That Your Relationship Could Turn Abusive Article

Signs You're the Victim of Narcissistic Abuse Article

Signs You’re Dating a Narcissist - and How to Get Out Article

Signs Your Girlfriend is a Psychopath Article

Steps to Leave a Toxic Relationship Article

Signs You Are Experiencing Trauma After A Toxic Relationship Article

Signs You’re In A Toxic Relationship and Need To Let Go Article

Some Thoughts about Victimization, Anger and Abuse Article

Supporting Someone in an Emotionally Abusive Relationship Article

Talking to Men about Gender, Domestic and Sexual Violence and HIV/AIDS
 PDF Document Download

The Effects of Domestic Violence: The Male Victims Perspective PDF Document Download

The Effect of Parental Emotional Abuse on the severity and treatment of PTSD symptoms in Children and Adolescents Science Direct

The Effect of Relationship Abuse on Children Article

The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence : Abused Men in Intimate Heterosexual Relationships
PDF Document Download

The Complete Guide to Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Verywell Health

The Most Glaring Traits of a Female Narcissist Article

The Systematic Silencing of Male Victims of Sexual Violence in Conflict Article Article

The Toxic Shadow of Emotional Abuse Article

The Understudied Female Sexual Predator Article

Things I Wish I Knew Before Leaving My Abusive Relationship Article

Things Men Don’t Realize About Domestic Violence Article

Toxic Relationships: How to Let Go When It’s Unhappily Ever After Article

Toxic Relationships vs. Abusive Relationships Article

Treating Women Who Have Experienced Intimate Partner Violence PDF Document Download

Toxic Relationships : How To Let Go when its Unhappily Ever After Article

Tricks of Toxic Narcissists (in Abusive Relationships) Article

Types of Abuse in Domestic and Family Violence Article

Understanding the Signs of Domestic Violence Article

Understanding Verbal Abuse Article

Victimization, Anger and Abuse Article

What Are the Signs of Domestic Abuse? Article

What Causes Domestic Violence? Article

What Causes Relationship Abuse? Article

What is Domestic Abuse? Article

What is a Toxic Relationship? Article

What's 'Love Bombing' And How Do I Know When It's Happening To Me? Article

What Is Stockholm Syndrome? Article

What is Verbal Abuse? Article

What is Sexual Abuse in Marriage Article 

What Type of Woman Stalks Men? Article

When I finally left my abusive relationship, I found support lacking for men like me Article

When Men are Victims of Violence Article

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Why do People Abuse other People Mental Health and Motivation

Why Do People Abuse Other People? Article

Why did I Waste So Long in an Abusive Relationship? Discussion

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Women who Kill in Response to Domestic Violence: How do Criminal Justice
Systems Respond? PDF Document Download

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What is Gender Dysphoria?

Gender Dysphoria: Awareness, Research and Resources

Gender Dysphoria

Gender is a psychosocial virtual entity without location in a person's body. It solely exists in, and is perpetuated by, the society in which the person lives.” ― Az Hakeem

Gender Dysphoria (Gender Identity Disorder) Research

What is Gender Dysphoria?
"Gender dysphoria is a term used to describe the distress, discomfort, or unease that individuals may experience when their gender identity does not align with the sex they were assigned at birth. This condition involves a marked difference between one's experienced or expressed gender and the gender others would typically expect of them.

For example, a person assigned male at birth may identify as female, or vice versa. This incongruence between one's biological sex and gender identity can cause significant emotional, psychological, and social distress.

It's important to note that not all individuals who identify as transgender experience gender dysphoria. However, for those who do, it can significantly impact their mental health and well-being.

Treatment for gender dysphoria may involve various options, including counseling, hormone therapy, and, in some cases, gender-affirming surgeries. Support from mental health professionals, a strong support system, and a gender-affirming environment are essential in helping individuals manage and alleviate the distress associated with gender dysphoria." (Source: ChatGPT 2023)

A Follow-Up Study of Girls With Gender Identity Disorder ResearchGate

DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria For Gender Identity Disorder Psychiatry Online

Factors shaping Gender Incongruence and Gender Dysphoria, and Impact on Health Services UK Parliament

Follow-Up Study of Boys With Gender Identity Disorder Frontiers in Psychiatry

Gender Dysphoria - Symptoms and Causes Mayo Clinic

Gender Dysphoria in Adults: An Overview and Primer for Psychiatrists Psychiatry Online

Gender Dysphoria in Adolescence: Current Perspectives Dove Press

Gender Dysphoria in Young People: A Model of Chronic Stress Karger

Gender Dysphoria in Young People is Rising—and so is Professional Disagreement BMJ

Gender Incongruence and Gender Dysphoria MSD Manual

Most Gender Dysphoria Established by Age 7, Study Finds Cedars-Sinai

New Study Undercuts The Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria Hypothesis Fenway Health

Parent reports of Adolescents and young adults perceived to show signs of a rapid onset of Gender Dysphoria Plos One

Progression of Gender Dysphoria in Children and Adolescents: A Longitudinal Study American Academy of Pediatrics

The Phenomenology of Gender Dysphoria in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Synthesis NIH

Understanding Gender Dysphoria PDF Download Mark A. Yarhouse St Stithians College

Validity of the Gender Dysphoria diagnosis and incidence trends in Sweden: a nationwide register study Springer Nature

What does the scholarly research say about the Effect of Gender Transition on Transgender Well-Being? Cornell University

What is Gender Dysphoria? American Psychiatric Association

When You Don’t Feel at Home With Your Assigned Gender WebMD

Gender Dysphoria: Definition, Diagnosis, Treatment and Challenges - Video

Sense of Self and Self-Identity

Sense of Self and Self-Identity: Awareness, Research and Resources

Who am I? Sense of Self and Self-Identity

“. . . my experience as a psychotherapist working with people with troubled bodies shows that the kind of touch we receive when we are little and the impact of a mother's (or carer's) physical sense of herself are crucial to the development of our own body sense. Our bodies are a lot more than an executed blueprint given by our DNA.”― Susie Orbach

Self-Concept Theory

Sense of Self and Self-Identity Research

Sense of Self and Self-Identity
"Sense of self and self-identity are fundamental aspects of an individual's perception and understanding of who they are. They are closely related but have nuanced differences:

Sense of Self:
A sense of self refers to the collection of beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions that an individual has about themselves. It includes one's understanding of their own personality, preferences, strengths, weaknesses, and values. This can be influenced by various factors such as personal experiences, relationships, culture, and societal norms. It's an ongoing, dynamic process that evolves as people grow and adapt to new experiences.

Self-identity is the recognition and understanding of oneself as a distinct individual. It involves the awareness of one's characteristics, traits, beliefs, and experiences that make them unique. Self-identity often includes how one defines themselves in terms of roles, affiliations (such as being a parent, a student, a friend, a professional), cultural background, gender, sexual orientation, and other defining factors.

Both sense of self and self-identity are crucial for an individual's psychological well-being and their interactions with the world. They affect decision-making, relationships, and overall life satisfaction. Development of a strong and coherent sense of self and self-identity often involves introspection, exploration, and experiences that shape an individual's understanding of themselves.

It's important to note that these concepts are not static; they can evolve over time due to personal growth, experiences, and changes in circumstances. They are also subject to personal interpretation and may differ from one person to another." (Source: ChatGPT 2023)

A Systematic Review of Children’s Construction of the Self: Implications for Children’s Subjective Well-Being PDF Download Elizabeth Benninger and Shazly Savahl Child Indicators Research University of the Western Cape

Characteristics of the Self-Concept Maricopa Community Colleges

Defining Self-Awareness in the Context of Adult Development: A Systematic Literature Review Sage Journals

Developing Self-Awareness: Learning Processes for Self- and Interpersonal Growth Annual Reviews

Differences between Self and Identity Ifioque

Finding Yourself: How to Develop a Strong Sense of Self Psych Central

How to Build a Strong Sense of Self Psychology Today

How To Develop A Strong Sense Of Self And Self-Esteem BetterHelp

Perception Is Reality: The Looking-Glass Self Lesley University

Rediscovering Rogers's Self Theory and Personality ResearchGate

The Development of Self and Identity in Adolescence: Neural Evidence and Implications for a Value-Based Choice Perspective on Motivated Behavior NIH

The Importance of Self-Esteem and Self-Concept in Mental Health Toby Barron Therapy

The Makeup and Theories of Self Concept Psych Central

Self-Awareness and Sense of Identity Everyday Mental Health Classroom Resource

Self-Concept Theory - How Do You See Yourself? Explorable

Self-Concept, Self-Image and Self-Esteem Tutor2u

Self Concept in Counselling Counselling Tutor

Subjective Change and Mental Health: A Self-Concept Theory JSTOR

What Is Self-Concept and Why Does It Matter? Psychology Today

‘Who Am I?’ How to Find Your Sense of Self Healthline

Who am I? Developing a Sense of Self and Belonging Zero to Three

What Is Self-Concept? Verywell Mind

What is Self-Concept? Theory, Examples & How To Form It High 5 Test

What is Self-Concept Theory? A Psychologist Explains Positive Psychology

The Philosophy Of Personal Identity - Who Are You? - Video