01 November 2023

Conflict and Psychological Consequences of War

Conflict and Psychological Consequences of War: Awareness and Research

Mental Health Impact of War on Children

Conflict and Psychological Consequences of War

What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or in the holy name of liberty or democracy?” ― Mahatma Gandhi

Psychological Consequences and Influence of War Research

Psychological Effects of War and Violence on Children

Conflict and Psychological Consequences of War
"Conflict and war often lead to profound psychological consequences for individuals, communities, and entire societies. The psychological impact of war can be long-lasting and pervasive, affecting mental health, relationships, and overall well-being. Here are some of the key psychological consequences of war:

1. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Exposure to traumatic events, such as combat experiences, witnessing violence, or living through war-related trauma, can lead to the development of PTSD. Symptoms include flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety, and emotional numbing. PTSD can persist for years after the war has ended.

2.  Anxiety and Depression: The constant stress, uncertainty, and exposure to violence during war can lead to increased rates of anxiety and depression among both combatants and civilians. These conditions can significantly affect an individual's quality of life.

3. Grief and Loss: War often results in the loss of loved ones, and grief is a common psychological consequence. People may struggle with bereavement and may experience complicated or prolonged grief reactions.

4. Survivor's Guilt: Some individuals who survive war may experience intense guilt for having survived when others did not. This can lead to feelings of shame and self-blame.

5. Substance Abuse: The stress and trauma of war may lead some individuals to turn to alcohol or drugs as a way to cope. Substance abuse can exacerbate mental health issues and lead to addiction.

6. Social Isolation: The psychological trauma of war can lead to social withdrawal and isolation. Individuals may find it challenging to connect with others or reintegrate into their communities.

7. Domestic Violence and Family Issues: The stress and trauma of war can lead to increased instances of domestic violence and strained family relationships. Family members may also experience secondary trauma.

8. Children and Adolescents: Children exposed to war may suffer from developmental issues, anxiety, depression, and disrupted education. The trauma of war can have long-lasting effects on their emotional and psychological development.

9. Cultural and Identity Loss: Communities affected by war may struggle to preserve their cultural heritage and traditions, leading to a sense of cultural loss and identity crisis.

10. Moral Injury: Some individuals may experience moral injury, a deep psychological distress resulting from perceived moral transgressions or witnessing morally challenging events during war. This can lead to intense guilt, shame, and a crisis of values.

11. Reintegration Challenges: Veterans returning from war may face difficulties in reintegrating into civilian life. They may experience challenges in finding employment, re-establishing relationships, and adapting to a non-combat environment.

12. Long-Term Effects: The psychological consequences of war can be long-lasting and may continue for years or even decades after the conflict has ended. These effects can extend to subsequent generations as well.

Efforts to address the psychological consequences of war typically involve mental health support, counseling, and therapy for individuals and communities. Recognizing and addressing the mental health needs of those affected by war is essential for their recovery and for building more resilient post-conflict societies. International organizations, governments, and humanitarian agencies often play a role in providing mental health support in conflict-affected regions." (Source: ChatGPT 2023)

Addressing the Psychological Effects of War on Children The American Psychological Association at the United Nations

As Israel-Hamas conflict continues, why war can be a global health crisis: Experts ABC News

Children Affected by War and Armed Conflict: Parental Protective Factors and Resistance to Mental Health Symptoms Frontiers in Psychology

Collected Research on War, Conflict, and Authoritarianism Association for Psychological Science

Consequences of Exposure to War Violence: Discriminating Those with Heightened Risk for Aggression from Those with Heightened Risk for Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms MDPI

How War Affects Mental Health Your Mental Health Pal

Impact of War on Children's Mental Health War Childhood Museum

Impact of War and forced displacement on Children’s Mental Health—Multilevel, Needs-Oriented, and Trauma-Informed Approaches Springer Link

Mental health consequences of war and post-conflict development: A case study on Bosnia and Herzegovina University of Ottawa

Impact of Wars and Conflicts on Women and Children in Middle East: Health, Psychological, Educational and Social Crisis European Journal of Social Sciences Education and Research

Living through War: Mental health of children and youth in conflict-affected areas International Committee of the Red Cross

Long-Term Psychological Consequences of World War II Trauma Among Polish Survivors: A Mixed-Methods Study on the Role of Social Acknowledgment Frontiers in Psychology

Mental Health Aspects of Prolonged Combat Stress in Civilians U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Mental Health Consequences of War Conflicts ResearchGate

Mental Health Services During and After Armed Conflict: The State of Knowledge and Practice United States Institute of Peace

Overview on Psychological and Social Consequences of War Secholian Publication

Prevalence of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress in war- and conflict-afflicted areas: A meta-analysis Frontiers in Psychiatry

Psychological Impact of Victims of War and Conflict PDF Download Amrita Rathi Teachers College Columbia University

Psychological Effects of War and Violence on Children PDF Download Journal of Psychological Abnormalities

Surviving is just the Beginning: The Impact of Conflict on Children's Mental Health Save the Children

The Effects of Armed Conflict on Children American Academy of Pediatrics

The Heavy Psychological Toll of the War in Ukraine Medpage Today

The Impact of Armed Conflict on Women and Girls PDF Download United Nations Population Fund

The Impact of Wars and Conflicts on Mental Health of Arab Population International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

The intergenerational Impact of War on Mental Health and Psychosocial Wellbeing: Lessons from the Longitudinal Study of War-Affected Youth in Sierra Leone BMC Conflict and Health

The Long-Lasting Impact of War on Mental Health SSRN

The Mental Health  Effects of War: Backed by Science University of Utah

The Psychological Costs of War: Military Combat and Mental Health National Bureau of Economic Research

The Psychological Consequences of the Ukraine War: What we know, and what we have to learn Wiley Research

The Psychological Effects of War An Investigation of War Trauma and PTSD Grin

The Psychosocial Impacts of War and Armed Conflict on Children Psychiatric Times

The Psychology of War Psychology Today

Transcending the reality of war and conflict: effects of a positive psychology school-based program on adolescents’ mental health, compassion and hopes for peace Taylor and Francis Online

Trauma, Reparation, and Quality of Life in Victims of Armed Conflict after Peace Agreements Anuario de Psicología Jurídica

War and Children Psychiatry Online

War Related Psycho-Social Problems and Mitigating Strategies: A Time of Crisis, A Time to Act Sage Journals

War Trauma: The Psychological Consequences of War Charlie Health

Rethinking Mental Health and the Afterlife of War - Video