01 March 2024

Tips for Healthy Diet as a Student

Why We Think It’s a Toxic Myth + Tips for Healthy Diet as a Student

Tips for Healthy Diet as a Student

"Did you know that according to some studies, nearly half of college students gain weight during their freshman year? This trend, often referred to as the “Freshman 15,” highlights the weight changes that can often occur during the transition from high school to college.

In this article, the IvyPanda team will explore the myths surrounding the Freshman 15 and provide tips for a healthy relationship with food and exercise." (Source: IvyPanda)

Table of Contents: Freshman 15 myth and a balanced approach to physical and mental health
  • What Is the Freshman 15?
  • Causes of Weight Gain in College
  • Negative Consequences of the Freshman 15 Myth
  • How to NOT Gain Freshman 15
  • Recap + Conclusions
  • References

Learn more: 'Freshman 15 myth and a balanced approach to physical and mental health'

Source / Reference: IvyPanda

Published with permission from IvyPanda