01 March 2024

Behavioral / Process Addictions

Behavioral / Process Addictions: Awareness, Research and Resources

Behavioral / Process Addictions

Walter Isaacson, who ate dinner with the Jobs family while researching his biography of Steve Jobs, told Bilton that, “No one ever pulled out an iPad or computer. The kids did not seem addicted at all to devices.” It seemed as if the people producing tech products were following the cardinal rule of drug dealing: never get high on your own supply.” ― Adam Alter

Behavioral / Process Addictions Research

Behavioral / Process Addictions
"Behavioral process addictions, also known as behavioral addictions or non-substance-related addictions, refer to a pattern of repetitive behaviors or activities that an individual becomes compulsively engaged in, despite adverse consequences. These behaviors can lead to a loss of control, interfere with daily life, and result in negative consequences for physical and mental health, relationships, and overall well-being. While these addictions do not involve the ingestion of substances like drugs or alcohol, they share some similarities with substance use disorders in terms of their compulsive nature and potential for harm.

Some common examples of behavioral process addictions include:

Gambling Addiction: This involves a persistent and recurrent pattern of excessive gambling that disrupts an individual's life. It can lead to financial problems, relationship conflicts, and emotional distress.

Internet and Social Media Addiction: Excessive use of the internet, social media platforms, or online gaming can become addictive. People may find themselves spending an inordinate amount of time online, neglecting other responsibilities.

Video Game Addiction: Similar to internet addiction, video game addiction involves excessive gaming, often to the detriment of other aspects of life. It can lead to impaired social relationships and physical health issues.

Shopping Addiction (Compulsive Buying Disorder): Individuals with this addiction compulsively shop, often accumulating significant debt. The act of shopping provides a temporary emotional high but is followed by feelings of guilt and remorse.

Sexual Addiction: This involves engaging in repetitive and compulsive sexual behaviors, which can negatively impact relationships and mental health. It often involves an inability to control sexual impulses.

Exercise Addiction: While exercise is generally healthy, some individuals can become addicted to it, leading to excessive and compulsive workouts that may result in physical injuries and neglect of other areas of life.

Work Addiction (Workaholism): People who are workaholics excessively devote themselves to their careers to the detriment of their personal life, health, and well-being.

Eating Disorders: Although not always considered an addiction, conditions like binge eating disorder and bulimia involve compulsive eating behaviors that can have severe physical and psychological consequences.

Compulsive Skin Picking (Dermatillomania) and Hair Pulling (Trichotillomania): These are examples of body-focused repetitive behaviors in which individuals repeatedly engage in picking their skin or pulling out their hair, often to the point of causing physical harm.

Compulsive Hoarding: Hoarding disorder involves the excessive accumulation of items, often to the point where living spaces become unmanageable and dangerous.

Behavioral process addictions can have serious consequences for an individual's life and may require treatment, often involving psychotherapy, support groups, and in some cases, medication. It's important to recognize the signs of these addictions and seek help when they interfere with daily functioning and well-being. Like substance use disorders, behavioral process addictions can be challenging to overcome, and professional assistance is often necessary for successful recovery." (Source: ChatGPT 2023)

A Guide to Teen Behavioral Addictions Newport Academy

A Guide to Integrating Behavioral / Process Addictions into Counselor Education Programs PDF Download The Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

An Overview of Behavioral Addiction: How to Live With and Treat Addictive Behaviors Verywell Mind

Behavioral Addictions: Are They More or Less Stigmatized than Alcohol & Drug Addictions? Recovery Research Institute

Behavioral Addiction vs. Substance Addiction Mental Health and Motivation

Examples of Process Addiction Foothills at Red Oak Recovery

How To Spot The Signs of Behavioral Addiction Tikvah Lake Florida

How to Treat Process Addictions All Points North London UK

Most Common Non-Drug Addictions South Coast Behavioral Healt

Other Process Addictions Solara Mental Health

Process Addiction Assessment J. Flowers Health Institute

Process Addiction Treatment for Women at Hannah’s House Hannah’s House

Process & Behavioral Addiction Therapy in Austin, Texas Louis Laves-Webb LCSW – LPC-S – Psychotherapist and Associates

Six steps for addressing behavioral addictions in clinical work American Counseling Association

The Most Common Process Addictions in Young Adults Newport Institute

Treatment for Process Addictions and Compulsive Behaviors Foundations Recovery Network

Understand Behavioural Addiction UK Addiction Treatment Centres

What Do Behavioral Addictions Look Like? The Edge Treatment Center

What are the Different Types Of Behavioral Addictions? Mission Harbor Behavioral Health

What is Process Addiction? The Recovery Village

What are Process Addictions…and Do You Have One? Amen Clinics

What Is Process Addiction & Types of Addictive Behaviors? American Addiction Centers

Behavioural Addictions for Beginners - Video