International Mental Health PDF Dissertation and Thesis Downloads
"What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation." – Glenn Close
International Mental Health Dissertations and Theses (PhD / Doctoral)
Mental Health Masters Dissertations and Theses
PhD / Doctoral Theses in Psychiatry and Psychology
A qualitative Study of Mental Health Experiences and College Student Identity Smith CollegeA Qualitative Study of Mental Health Explanatory Models, and the Perceived Impact of Life Experiences on Mental Health, in HIV Infected Adolescents in Rural and Urban Uganda University of Cape Town
An Evaluation of the Attitudes, Beliefs, and Mental Health Literacy of Young African American College Graduates University of Southern Mississippi
An Exploration of Adolescents’ Experiences of Mental Health University College London
An Investigation into the Prediction and Promotion of Specific Self-Esteem Domains in Adolescents University of Sheffield
An Investigation of the Experiences of Graduate Students with a Mental Health Condition University of Toronto
An Exploration of Young People’s Views and Understanding of Mental Health Difficulties Staffordshire University
Aspects of Positive and Negative Mental Health in Young People, Aged 16-29 Years: Measurements, Determinants, and Interventions Karolinska Institutet / ResearchGate
Cannabis, Identity and the Male Teenage Friendship Group Manchester Metropolitan University
Clinical Psychology Masters Theses Collection University of Massachusetts
Community and Family Health Theses and Dissertations University of South Florida
Counseling Psychology and Special Education Theses and Dissertations Brigham Young University
Doctoral Portfolio in Counselling Psychology University of Wolverhampton
Doctoral Thesis: A Qualitative Study to Investigate in what ways are the Distinctive Features of Synchronous Text-Based Counselling Experienced as being Helpful and/or Unhelpful by Young People? University of Roehampton, London
Doctoral Thesis: The Experience of Being a Trainee Clinical Psychologist from a Black and Minority Ethnic Group: A Qualitative Study University of Hertfordshire
Exploring Mental Health and Potential Health Assets in Young People Halmstad University
Identity and Community Psychology: A Study of Psychologists and Trainees in the Western Cape University of Stellenbosch
Mental Health and Health Care Utilization among Transition Age Youth University of Minnesota
Mental Health and Recidivism California State University, Stanislaus
Mental Health Literacy, Stigma, and Attitudes toward Help-seeking at School for Asian and Latino-American Adolescents University of Maryland
Mental Health Research Topics Mental Health and Motivation
PhD Thesis in Psychiatry: Mental Health and Employment Amongst Persons Who Resettled In Sweden in 1993 - 1994 Due to The War in Bosnia Herzegovina ResearchGate
Positive Mental Health: Measurement, Relevance and Implications University of Twente
Professional Doctorate in Health Psychology Thesis Portfolio London Metropolitan University
Psychology Dissertations and Theses Portland State University
Psychology Theses and Dissertations Laurier
Psychology Theses and Dissertations University of Limpopo, South Africa
Psychosocial and Mental Health Challenges of International Students Compared to British Students in UK universities University of Bedfordshire
Rethinking the Nature of Mental Disorder: A Latent Structure Approach to Data from Three National Psychiatric Morbidity Surveys University College London
Stress and Coping in Mental Health Nurses University of London
Psychology Theses and Dissertations University of Limpopo, South Africa
Psychosocial and Mental Health Challenges of International Students Compared to British Students in UK universities University of Bedfordshire
Rethinking the Nature of Mental Disorder: A Latent Structure Approach to Data from Three National Psychiatric Morbidity Surveys University College London
Stress and Coping in Mental Health Nurses University of London
Social Exclusion and Mental Health Challenges: Exploring the experiences of Mental Health Challenges among University Students from Marginalised Backgrounds University of Cape Town
The Relationship between the Wellness Management and Recovery Program and Physical Health University of Toledo
Young People’s Mental Health Service Use and Pathways to Care McGill University, Montreal
The Relationship between the Wellness Management and Recovery Program and Physical Health University of Toledo
Young People’s Mental Health Service Use and Pathways to Care McGill University, Montreal