28 March 2023

Your Guide To A Good Night’s Rest

Anxious Sleeping: Your Guide To A Good Night’s Rest

Anxious Sleeping: Your Guide To A Good Night’s Rest

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), anxiety is an emotion where someone experiences worry, tension, and sometimes, even physical symptoms, such as high blood pressure or lack of sleep.

Anxiety is not the same as fear, which is an appropriate response to a threat, but it can still feel very real and affect how much rest we get each night. What can you do to keep the occasionally anxiety-filled night from messing with your sleep health?

This guide covers how anxiety and sleep are interrelated, change with age, and what you can do to manage both: (Source: Purple)
  • Anxiety and Sleep
  • The Cause And Effect
  • Common Sleep Disorders
  • Forms of Anxiety
  • Sleep and Anxiety as We Age
  • Tips for Sleeping With Anxiety
  • Get The Sleep You Need

Learn more about 'Anxious Sleeping: Your Guide To A Good Night’s Rest' on the Purple Website.

Source / Reference: Purple

Published with permission from Purple Innovation