07 March 2023

Mental Health Journaling for Students

How to Start & Keep a Mental Health Journal – Tips for Students

How to Start & Keep a Mental Health Journal – Tips for Students

When was the last time you wrote in your journal? Many people associate keeping a journal with their childhood and the old-fashioned cliche “Dear Diary…”. However, modern research has shown that journaling has numerous benefits for your mental and physical health. Writing in a diary can:
  • Lower your anxiety
  • Improve your memory
  • Boost your immune system

If you happen to feel stuck, overwhelmed, or dissatisfied with your life, this is your sign that you need to start journaling now. In this article, we’ll discuss how journaling can be good for you — physically, mentally, and emotionally. Psychology Writing experts have also prepared some inspirational ideas for your mental health journal to overcome the fear of a blank page. (Source: Psychology Writing)

Table of Contents
  • What Is a Mental Health Journal?
  • How to Start a Mental Health Journal
  • Tips for Effective Journaling
  • Template & Ideas
  • Template for Beginners
  • Best Journaling Techniques
  • 30 Prompts
  • References

Learn more about 'How to Start & Keep a Mental Health Journal – Tips for Students' on
 the Psychology Writing Website.

Source / Reference: Psychology Writing

Published with permission from Psychology Writing