28 May 2024

Mental Health and Motivation Research

Contemporary Mental Health and Motivation Research

Mental Health and Motivation Research

I’m currently involved in the research of evaluating ‘sustainable contemporary International Mental Health Research Success’ contributions with regard to the perceptions and contributions of various mental health stakeholders’ views on the psychiatric and psychological application(s) / impact on decision-making in terms of contributions to i.e. specific personality disorder diagnosis, pharmaceutical practices / prescriptions and psychological (behavioral) practices.

More than a ‘needle in a haystack’ approach I suppose, but it will be challenging (and informative) to determine how psychiatric and / or psychopathology decisions are made (and accepted / accredited) in terms of current academic research criteria, prescription medication and remedial practice care for mental health patients.

Note: Above is for pre-diagnosed Mental Health conditions as defined / classified by i.e. the current APA DSM-5(TR)-criteria for mental health and brain-related conditions and disorders.

This is indeed one of the most significant research projects I’ve been involved in for many years, my personal research aim and objective (for the Mental Health and Motivation website) is to be able to identify how this ‘important Mental Health challenge’ is currently researched, facilitated and managed by the world’s most advanced mental healthcare research universities, primary mental healthcare institutions, associated (private / public) practices and pharmaceutical industry stakeholders (in the case of psychiatric / medical prescriptions) for various mental health conditions.

Since August 2021 the website has evolved into an international resource sharing platform for assisting academia, mental health service providers and interested individuals across the world - currently assisting visitors from more than 124 Countries / 50 US States - with various (academic / personal / family / community / military / sport / employment-related) Mental Health and Motivation resources.