01 December 2023

Human Perception and Cognitive Information Systems

Human / Cognitive Information Systems Perception Research and Resources

Human Perception and Cognitive Information Systems

The outer world is a reflection of the inner world. Other people’s perception of you is a reflection of them; your response to them is an awareness of you.”― Roy T. Bennett

Human Perception Research

Cognitive Information Systems Research

Human Perception and Cognitive Information Systems
"Human perception and cognitive information systems are areas of study that intersect human psychology, information technology, and artificial intelligence. They involve understanding how humans perceive and process information and then applying this understanding to develop intelligent systems, such as computer programs and algorithms, that can mimic or enhance human-like cognitive abilities. Here's an overview of these concepts:

Human Perception:
Human perception refers to the process by which humans interpret and make sense of the world around them. It encompasses the five primary senses:
  • Visual perception: How humans process and interpret visual information from the environment, including recognizing objects, patterns, and colors.
  • Auditory perception: How humans perceive and interpret sounds and speech, including speech recognition and auditory scene analysis.
  • Tactile perception: How humans perceive and interpret touch and pressure sensations, important for haptic interfaces and virtual reality.
  • Olfactory perception: How humans perceive and interpret smells and odors.
  • Gustatory perception: How humans perceive and interpret tastes.

Cognitive Information Systems: 
Cognitive information systems are computer-based systems designed to emulate certain aspects of human cognition, such as reasoning, problem-solving, learning, and decision-making. These systems use various techniques from artificial intelligence and cognitive science to achieve their goals. Key components of cognitive information systems include:
  • Knowledge representation: Storing and organizing information in a format that the system can use for reasoning and decision-making.
  • Reasoning and problem-solving: Applying logic and algorithms to draw inferences, solve problems, and make decisions.
  • Learning: Allowing the system to acquire new knowledge and adapt based on experience.
  • Natural language processing (NLP): Enabling the system to understand and generate human language, facilitating communication between humans and machines.
  • Perception and sensing: Integrating sensors and data processing to enable the system to interact with the physical world.

Applications and Examples: 
Cognitive information systems find applications in various domains, including:
  • Healthcare: Developing systems that can assist in medical diagnosis, treatment planning, and drug discovery by analyzing patient data and medical literature.
  • Customer service: Building chatbots and virtual assistants that can understand and respond to customer queries in natural language.
  • Autonomous vehicles: Creating self-driving cars that can perceive their surroundings, make driving decisions, and adapt to changing conditions.
  • Education: Designing intelligent tutoring systems that adapt to individual student needs and provide personalized instruction.
  • Finance: Developing algorithms for automated trading and fraud detection by analyzing financial data.

Challenges and Ethical Considerations:
  • Privacy concerns: Gathering and analyzing personal data for cognitive systems can raise privacy issues.
  • Bias and fairness: Ensuring that these systems do not perpetuate biases present in the training data.
  • Transparency and accountability: Understanding and explaining the decisions made by cognitive systems is crucial, especially in high-stakes applications.

In summary, human perception and cognitive information systems are intertwined fields that aim to leverage our understanding of human cognition to develop intelligent systems capable of perceiving and processing information in ways that mimic or enhance human capabilities. These technologies have a wide range of applications across industries but also pose important ethical and societal challenges." (Source: ChatGPT 2023)

A Model of Unified Perception and Cognition Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence

Characteristics of Human Perception and Their Relevance When Studying Information Behaviour ResearchGate

Cognitive factors in predicting continued use of information systems with technology adoption models PDF Download The University of Borås Sweden

Cognitive Perception - The recognition and analysis of speech, audio signals, images, videos and documents by means of artificial intelligence are the focus of our research.
Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS

Cognitive Psychology and Human Cognition for User Experience Medium

Cognitive Systems Research Latest Journal's Impact IF - Trend · Prediction · Ranking · Key Factor Analysis Academic Accelerator

Cognition and Perception: Is There Really a Distinction? Association of Psychological Science

Cognitive Information Systems in Human Perception ScienceDirect

Data Visualization for Human Perception Interaction Design Foundation

Differences between Human and Machine Perception in Medical Diagnosis Nature

Estimating human perception using information from cameras and wearable sensors Honda Research Institute Japan

Healthcare information systems: the cognitive challenge BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making

How reliable is perception? PDF Download Gary LupyanDepartment of Psychology University of Wisconsin-Madison

Human Perception: A comparative study of how others perceive me and how I perceive myself PDF Download Institution for Psychology Linnéuniversitetet

Human Perception, Cognition & Action Max-Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics

Information Processing Model: Understanding our Mental Mechanisms ABLE

Information-Processing Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, and the Cognitive Systems Paradigm PDF Download Pat Langley Institute for the Study of Learning and Expertise Palo Alto, California, USA

On the Cognitive Processes of Human Perception with Emotions, Motivations, and Attitudes ResearchGate

Person Perception, Meet People Perception: Exploring the Social Vision of Groups Sage Journals

Perspectives on computational perception and cognition under uncertainty IEEE Explore

Research in Human Behavior, Perception, and Cognition School of Computing and Information Department of Informatics and Networked Systems University of Pittsburgh

Research shows that people differ in their power of perception University College London

Stanford Human Perception Lab Stanford University

The Unrepeatable Human Mind - Challenges in the Development of Cognitive Information Systems - What Makes a Machine Human? MDPI

The shaping of social perception by stimulus and knowledge cues to human animacy The Royal Society Publishing

The Study of Human Perception Senses Presentation IvyPanda

Understanding User Perceptions, Collaborative Experience and User Engagement in Different Human-AI Interaction Designs for Co-Creative Systems ACM Digital Library

Visual Perception and Representation of Shape UCLA Human Perception Lab Department of Psychology University of California

Four Types of Human Perception - Video